5 Days and Counting
It’s been 5 days and Trump still won’t accept that he lost. He’s proceeding along as if he’ll still be president in 2021. He’s a sad, creepy clown and everybody around him pretends like he’s not, even the ones who have deep seated fears of clowns. This could go on until inauguration day when the circus will finally have to wrap it up and leave town.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the guy who is supposed to build relationships with countries around the world, is moving along not accepting the result of a free and fair election, signaling to all countries that America will remain a totalitarian state. He said, “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”
Election officials have found absolutely no fraud anywhere in the country. The Trump voter fraud hotline has been busy, though — hot line staff who won’t ever get paid are taking calls from TikTok prankers.
Only 4 Republicans have publicly acknowledged that Joe Biden won. This is just a game to them. They could care less about supporting a peaceful transfer of power because that means more power for them. The country be damned. They’re going to go along with Trump’s election fraud accusation secure in the knowledge that they’ve got power for at least 2 more years. They plan on blocking Democrats at every turn, seating more conservative judges, downplaying the coronavirus, and continuing on with fucking everything up for the country.
Republicans are scared Trump will run again in 2024 and they don’t want to cross him.
Mike Pence told Senate Republicans that he wanted to keep serving with them as president of the Senate, but for now he’s going on “vacation.” The head of the coronavirus task force is blowing off his job while the country is dealing with a surge in new cases, making the fall spread far worse than the spring. 62,000 Americans are in the hospital, fighting for their lives. That’s a record. Trump, Pence, and the Republicans DO NOT CARE.
1 out of 54 people in South Dakota has the coronavirus.
Hospitals are full in several states.
The county morgue in El Paso is full.
Here we go again.
The Supreme Court has taken up a Republican lawsuit to end the Affordable Care Act as hospitals fill up with patients who have a deadly, out of control virus. Many of these patients have Obamacare. What will become of them if the law is struck down?
None of this had to happen. There could be as many as 400,000 dead mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters by the end of the year. All of it preventable if it weren’t for Trump and the Republicans.
Jones Day took Trump’s election fraud case on. They’re one of the most powerful law firms in the country and they took this case thinking that such a high profile case will bring them more business. MAGAs have plenty of legal troubles but none of them have any money so dumb move, Jones Day. Everybody but broke MAGAs and the filthy rich who lawsuit their way out of everything think you suck.
Trump refusing to cooperate with the transition and giving 2 thumbs down to leaving the White House makes him look like an overstimulated, exhausted toddler whose had too much sugar at Chuck E Cheese when his mom tells him it’s time to leave. It’s a good thing Joe Biden has done this before.
“We’re coming very close to having what the bureau calls a barricaded subject.” — former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi
The Pentagon’s top policy official, James Anderson, resigned after clashing with the White House. This clears the way for Anthony Tata, whose nomination was blocked, to take over.
4 senior Pentagon officials were fired or have resigned within the last 48 hours. The House Armed Services Chair is warning of “chaos and division” because Trump is replacing them with loyalists.
Q, the mysterious anonymous incognito prophet of QAnon, has absconded to the real world and has left his followers not knowing what to think or say or believe. The cult followers haven’t heard from him since the election.
“It’s taken Covid-19 to expose the vulnerabilities of our nation to a pandemic health crisis. It’s taken Trump to expose the vulnerabilities of our democracy to a fascist assault. Our job is to ensure neither ever overtakes us again.” — George Takei
70 days until the inauguration and the circus leaves town.
For a copy of the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report, click here.
For a copy of the Mueller Report, click here.
For a list of attorneys giving legal analysis about the imploding Trump presidency on Twitter, click here.
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