Another Day, Another Tax Payer Dollar
Here’s the latest on Trump using the military for his own personal gain: The House Oversight Committee is investigating whether or not Trump has been using the military to save his loser golf club in Scotland, Trump Turnberry. He’s been having the military stay at his property during missions to the middle east while they “refuel” at the Prestwick Airport 30 miles away, an airport that the Scottish government owns but was about to sell because it was in serious debt. Now they don’t have to because a foreign government saved it! US! Trump used tax payer money to prop it back up so people could fly in and stay at his club. 650 mission refuels for a total of $11 million. On October 1 the military is supposed to extend the refueling contract until September 2024. Normally the crew refuels and lodges on military bases but now Trump is making the crew stay at his club. Their per diems don’t even begin to cover food and drinks. The property lost $4.5 million in 2017 but revenue went up $3 million in 2018. Cha-ching, tax payer dollars at work, working for Trump who doesn’t work for tax payers. Former Boeing executive and now US Defense Secretary, Patrick Shanahan, was asked to explain this in June but so far he has no comment and no paperwork has been made available as to why the United States Air Force is going along with this.
The House Oversight Committee is investigating Mike Pence’s stay at Trump’s club in Ireland last week, too. Patsy Pence was forced to stay at Trump’s property along with this entire entourage and then commute 3 hours for official state business. Tax payers paid for room service, golf, the best rooms, the gas to get there and the dancing girls. Not really. No girls allowed.
The president of the United States pinned a tweet of the CNN weatherman talking about Hurricane Dorian stuck on saying “Alabama” over and over again, followed by the CNN logo heading down the highway and then losing control, rolling and catching fire. After he did that he gave himself credit for saving lives in the Bahamas. Tax payers pay for his time to do this. It’s all he ever does.
What if the Inconvenient Truth candidate, Al Gore, hadn’t been robbed of the presidency back in 2000? Would Dorian have been as severe? Would tax payers be investing in green technology that minimized fossil fuel emissions while creating new jobs and leading the world on combating climate change? Would Trump need his diapers changed in the WHITE HOUSE?
Moscow Mitch is taking advantage of a situation in Kentucky that could get him some much needed positive press so hopefully people will stop calling him Moscow Mitch. He is going to pretend to care about the possibility of a new middle school not getting built in his state because Trump is pulling tax payer funding for it in order to pay for his wall. If that doesn’t put him back in the voters’ good graces, perhaps he could get the Russian oligarch that is building the steel mill for him to pay for the middle school too.
6,000 coal miners lost their jobs in August. Miners in Kentucky have been camping out on the train tracks for 42 days to keep the coal that they mined from being shipped until they get paid for mining it. $5 million to be exact.
MAGAs at a retirement RV park and golf course in South Texas are about to have a stroke over being notified that Trump’s wall, paid for with their taxes, is going to be built right through the middle of their lily white senior citizen heaven. They say the stress of this news could kill them because they’re so old. When they voted for Trump they thought he’d stick it to “other” people, not them!
Arizona GOP Chairman Kelli Ward put this in a fundraising email: “Support the Republican Party of Arizona today and, together, we’ll stop gun-grabber Mark Kelly dead in his tracks.” Astronaut Mark Kelly’s wife is Gabby Giffords, a former congresswoman who was shot in the head while meeting with constituents in a mass shooting in 2011.
Trump has started selling Donald J. Trump Sharpie pens on his campaign website.
Kirstie Alley says that anyone in Hollywood who refuses to work with Republicans is a hypocrite and a damn yahoo because “we’re all the same species.” Would Kirstie Alley work with a S.P. (Scientology’s “Suppressive Person”?) Aren’t they part of the same species?
Do Scientologists pay taxes?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders made her debut on Faux News yesterday and sang Trump’s praises and spewed the same old bullshit she did as press secretary — Trump saved the country and is the best president we’ve ever had. Look, at the end of the day…….
Look, at the end of the day we’re all paying taxes and the rich aren’t, and our taxes are being used to make the president more rich.
Republican hypocrite fun fact: Democrat Gary Hart’s political career was ruined in 1984 because the media watched him go into a townhouse with a woman who wasn’t his wife and leave the next day. He didn’t get to be president because of a private indiscretion, changing the course of dirty politics for 30 years. Dirty sex, dirty sex, DIRTY SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX. If the Republicans couldn’t get you on anything else, they’ll get you for being unfaithful to your wife. Fast forward 30 years and Trump has had 3 wives who he all cheated on, his 3rd wife he met through Jeffrey Epstein who recently killed himself in jail awaiting trial for sex trafficking children, wrote a check to one porn star from within the Oval Office to shut her up about the Viagra party they had which is being investigated along with another Viagra party he had with a Playmate, and it’s all cool with the Republicans. There are only 3 certainties in life: Death, taxes, and the Republicans justifying anything to cover their own asses, including sex and using tax payer money to fund the president’s own business interests.
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The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.Trump is re-tweeting Clinton killed Epstein conspiracy theories.