At All Costs

Spike Dolomite
5 min readSep 7, 2021


Attorney General Merrick Garland says the DOJ will protect women seeking an abortion in Texas and the clinics that provide the service by prosecuting self appointed vigilante bounty hunters looking to make a quick $10,000 for breaking the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

The US has exceeded 40 million covid cases since the start of the pandemic. One million of those cases happened in the past 6 days.

Anti-vaxxers in Texas are protesting, some outside hospitals, even though the state is seeing over 100,000 new cases a day. Hospitals in New Mexico are being taken over by covid patients from Texas because there isn’t any room for them in their own state. 50,000 kids in Texas have had covid and 12 school districts have closed. Texas leads the nation in child deaths.

“My adult life so far has spanned the time when the entire nation stopped with bated breath to agonize over whether we could rescue 1 child who fell down a well, to a debate over how many children dying is still acceptable so as not be inconvenienced by a lightweight mask.” — John Pijanowski

Republicans are cold and indifferent to people, even little kids, dying from covid and bleeding heart liberals are trying hard not to smile because 5 times more Republicans are dying from covid than Democrats. It would be wrong to find joy in the demise of the right.

The Republicans didn’t think their anti-mask, anti-vaccine position through. They’re killing off their own voters. Hillary lost by 2 votes in each precinct in Michigan. If they had all died from covid she would have won.

A 24 year old MAGA got busted for using a fake vaccine card so she could party on the beach in Hawaii. She spelled Moderna wrong and spaced the doses 5 weeks apart. That’s not the dumbest thing though. The dumbest thing was not being vaccinated in the first place and then getting on a plane to travel several hours to selfishly indulge herself in a vulnerable place where the governor has specifically asked tourists not to come there so that residents aren’t pushed out of hospital beds by people like her. Tucker Carlson defended her.

“Buying a fake vaccination card is an act of desperation by decent, law-abiding Americans who have been forced into a corner by tyrants.” — Tucker Carlson

The California gubernatorial recall election is in a week. There have only been 4 gubernatorial recalls in the country and 2 of them have been in California. The Republicans have tried to recall Governor Gavin Newsom 6 times since he was elected in 2018. The first attempt was over immigration. The Proud Boys supported that one. They wanted to micro chip immigrants. The latest one was over covid. First, the Republicans said he needed to be recalled because he closed the state down and hurt businesses. When that failed they tried again and said he needed to be recalled because he screwed up leading the state through the pandemic. That got enough signatures so here we are. Since a Republican doesn’t stand a chance in a general election (Trump lost by 30 points in California,) the Republicans are using this dirty trick like they did in 2003 when they recalled Gray Davis and California ended up with a foreign born mediocre movie star famous for playing a villain assassin from the future married to a Kennedy, the Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Larry Elder has emerged as the leading contender in the recall election. He has been a right wing radio host for 30 years and has a big fan base. He goes on Fox regularly which makes the Fox News audience think they’re not racist because they agree with everything he says. He’s black on the outside and all white male Republican on the inside. He has promised to blow up the Senate by replacing Dianne Feinstein with a Republican. He says Roe v Wade was the worst decision that SCOTUS has ever made and that abortion is murder. Like Trump, he’s already telling his supporters that the election is a sham and is prepared to sue over voter fraud. The good news is that Larry Elder is so radical (sound bytes and videos of him showing his true colors are popping up every day,) that he’s calling all sorts of national attention to himself which is energizing Democratic voters. They’re determined that he not get a chance to be the Greg Abbott of California.

The Republicans are making a mockery out of the Democratic system in California. Mary Carey the porn star dropped out so now there are 45 Republicans to choose from to replace Gavin Newsom. Angelyne looks like a porn star but has more experience than Mary because she ran in the recall election of 2003. She’s famous for being famous like the Kardashians. She has no experience to be governor but she’s a genius at getting publicity. All you need is $4,000 to get your name in front of 20 million people by getting on the ballot. That’s pretty cheap advertising if you want to promote your next reality TV show like Caitlyn Jenner FKA Bruce Jenner, one of the Kardashians.

Gavin Newsom has regular governor stuff to do on top of managing a deadly pandemic and climate change fires all over the state. He doesn’t need this Republican bullshit.

The US Forest Service has ordered all national forests in California to close until at least September 17 due to the state’s ongoing wildfire crisis. One coast is on fire and the other coast is under water. More people are dying from covid now with the vaccine than before the vaccine and all the Republicans are focused on is maintaining and gaining power at all costs, including American lives.

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Spike Dolomite
Spike Dolomite

Written by Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns.

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