At the End of the Day

Spike Dolomite
4 min readMar 8, 2018

The turnover rate for the Trump administration is 43%. Sarah Huckabee Sanders says look, it’s not abnormal. At the end of the day nobody works at the same place forever.

Has Trump’s trade war been cancelled for today? Twitter says no, people in the know say yes. At the end of the day, who knows. He could be arrested.

Trump has been talking to witnesses in the Mueller investigation asking them if they were nice. At the end of the day he’ll lock himself in his room and call the few people who will still take his calls and ask, “Do you think they’ll be nice to me?”

Republicans want an end to the Russia probe right now and they want a special counsel to investigate the special counsel because at the end of the day nobody cares about any of this. They really don’t. Trey Gowdy , Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley…….they are all going to save the country from this Democratic hit job!

Republican Utah state rep Michael Noel wants to name a stretch of highway after Trump. Democratic state senator Jim Dabakis says if you’re going to do that then I want to rename the frontage road “The Stormy Daniels Rampway” because at the end of the day we’re not supposed to name public property after cock suckers.

The White House is hiring. No experience necessary.

The gift shop in Trump Tower is selling mugs with the presidential seal.

Trump has blocked inspections of puppy mills. At the end of the day, he’d make MAGA hats out of puppies, he’s that awful.

Jeff Sessions went to Sacramento to introduce his lawsuit against California for its “radical, irrational idea” of “open borders.” He is suing California because it protects immigrants (aka lawbreakers, according to Sessions.) California says, “Bring it on.”

Governor of California, Jerry Brown, wants Jeff Sessions to apologize to his state because at the end of the day, Sessions and the entire Trump administration are nothing but a bunch of liars.

Republican hypocrite fun fact: Colorado Senator, Cory Gardner, hasn’t interacted with constituents since November 2017. He hosted an impromptu telephone town hall yesterday to make it look like he’s listening. Gardner has an A rating from the NRA. He received their endorsement in 2014. He’s only been a senator for 3 years. Coloradans use a cardboard cut out of him as a place holder for town halls that they create themselves because Gardner is always a no-show. At the end of the day Cory hides under the covers.

The Florida legislature threw the Parkland kids a bone and passed a couple of really weak gun laws but not before lecturing them first on kids knowing their place. Republican representative, Elizabeth Porter, says THEY have the age, wisdom and experience to decide what’s best for kids. “We’re the adults! We can’t let kids make laws! If we do, what’s next? No homework?” The pain and suffering of the students were dismissed by hard core Republicans because at the end of the day, they’re owned by the NRA.

Stormy Daniels says she has pictures and text messages of……of WHAT? Trump hasn’t said a word. Sarah Huckabee Sanders really blew it and told reporters that everything has already been won in arbitration. Wait, WHAT? Arbitration? Arbitration? At the end of the day, Sarah might not have a job.

The for-profit education czar, Betsy DeVos, went to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, talked to three people, pet a dog and ran away. She didn’t talk to any shooting survivors and she refused to talk to the school newspaper because she wouldn’t let herself be made fool of by a bunch of public school kids.

Betsy DeVos’s brother, the for-profit military hustler, Erik Prince, admitted that he had a beer at the bar with a Russian in the Seychelles, but that’s all. It was perfectly innocent. They happened to be at the same place at the same time, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. It was a coincidence that he was there when international men of mystery were plotting to create a Kremlin back channel to the Trump administration before the inauguration. At the end of the day Erik Prince might need a really expensive legal team.

Betsy DeVos has a plan to have her brother train and run a national school safety program.

Putin is very proud of his puppet and says, “Too bad the American political system is eating itself.”

A former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter were poisoned by a nerve agent in England. Two years ago, his brother and son both died under mysterious circumstances. At the end of the day, having anything to do with the Kremlin could get you killed.

At the end of the day we’re all going to fall into bed and cry.



Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.