Back In The USSR Timeline Part 8 — A Couple of Lame Hearings

Spike Dolomite
4 min readMar 6, 2022


Four months before the primary election, in the midst of a constitutional crisis, Justice Kennedy announced his retirement. His son, Justin was Trump’s banker at Deutsche Bank, as global head of real estate capital markets. He loaned Trump $1 billion when no one else would. Justin was one of the few bankers who predicted the 2007/08 mortgage bubble burst and made a killing for Deutsche Bank by shorting mortgages in 2006.

Did Russia put money into Deutsche Bank via the Bank of Cyprus through intermediaries like Paul Manafort for Trump? Why did Justice Kennedy resign so abruptly and how many secret meetings took place between Trump and Kennedy before the news was announced to the public? Did he do it to protect his son?

Right after Trump’s inauguration, the state of New York busted Deutsche Bank for money laundering. Justin Kennedy had already moved on from Deutsche Bank and was running his own commercial real estate business.

As Trump was walking through the crowd at his first inaugural address, he made sure to pause and tell Justice Kennedy to say hello to “his boy” for him.

Republicans told Trump to pick Brett Kavanaugh, Justice Kennedy’s former law clerk, to take Kennedy’s place even though he was under federal investigation. Kavanaugh had been in serious debt ($200,000) but that debt got mysteriously paid off in 2017. He was Trump’s kind of guy. He had argued that presidents should be shielded from all criminal probes and shouldn’t ever be questioned. Perfect! Presidents are above the law! Except for Bill Clinton. Kavanaugh worked with Ken Starr in putting the scheme together to set him up to commit perjury. He was the leaker and slipped information to the press. When asked about it, he committed perjury himself by lying about it 5 times under oath. The NRA spent $1 million on ads to get Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. Where did that $1 million come from? Russia? The Republicans pushed Kavanaugh through without properly vetting him. They held important documents from the Democrats until the last minute before the vote. They didn’t want the Dems to find out that he lied to Congress during the Bush administration. The Trump administration withheld more than 100,000 pages of records from the Bush White House on the basis of presidential privilege to grease the process. The public raised hell about his nomination and he did a horrible job during his confirmation hearing but the Republicans confirmed him anyway. Trump wanted him there to protect him in case any of the crimes he had committed or will commit against the government make it to the Supreme Court.

After the Republicans in the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh, they confirmed Trump loyalist Brian Benczkowski to lead the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division. They pulled him from the Trump transition team. He was a top aide to Jeff Sessions but had never tried a case. He refused to recuse himself from the Russia investigation even though he had worked for the Russian Alfa Bank. He pushed for Jim Comey’s firing. Trump put him there in case Rod Rosenstein got fired so he could take his place.

Republicans set Peter Strzok up, a 22 year veteran of the FBI who ran counter intelligence on Russia by making him be the fall guy in their Deep State conspiracy. They accused him of being part of a corrupt justice department. They made him sit through a day long, bogus, televised hearing where they attacked and humiliated him to create doubt in Fox viewers’ minds that he was a part of a major operation to take Trump down. They timed the hearing before Mueller’s report came out. They asked him questions they knew he wasn’t allowed to answer to make him look like he was being secretive and defiant. The chair of the House Judiciary Committee threatened Peter Strzok, a Russian spy hunter for doing his job and keeping his mouth shut. He had had enough and ripped the committee a new one. He told them, “I strongly believe today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt……..The proposition that this is going on deeply corrodes what the FBI is in American society, the effectiveness of their mission, and it is deeply destructive…….The notion that there’s a deep state working unilaterally within the FBI to impose their political will on the country is not only patently false, it’s not possible!” Everybody clapped and then he got fired.

White House Counsel Don McGahn cooperated with Bob Mueller and then he got fired.



Spike Dolomite
Spike Dolomite

Written by Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns.

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