Bad Days for White Guys
Democratic Congressman Jimmy Gomez from California is introducing a resolution today to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House of Representatives for her repeated endorsements of sedition, domestic terrorism, and political violence. He’s got 72 co-sponsors (no Republiqans of course). He needs 2/3 of the House to vote to expel her which is unlikely but at least it will get the Republiqans on record AGAIN for supporting treason and domestic terrorism.
An angry white man from Texas was arrested outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ official residence with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, 113 rounds of unregistered ammunition, and five 30 round magazines. Poor guy was just having a bad day.
Officer Jay Baker has been moved to another job inside the sheriff’s department because he had a bad day by minimizing the deaths of Asian women and feeling sorry for a murderer. Since his job was literally talking to the press, imagine what he says when the cameras aren’t rolling.
How many evangelicals are cheering the shooter on for shooting the sinners?
The Korea Times in Atlanta quoted a friend of one of the spa employees who heard the shooter say, “I’ll kill all the Asians”. Four of the victims had no friends or family and used aliases. The main stream media is still ignoring a big part of the story — some of the victims could have been victims of sex trafficking.
The cops are still saying that there is no evidence that the mass shooting was a hate crime.
President Biden and Vice President Harris will be in Atlanta today to talk about the covid relief package and meet with Asian community leaders about the shooting.
The tell tale sign that America is getting back to “normal” — white guys are having bad days. Mass shootings have started up again.
The girl who coughed on an Asian Uber driver and ripped the mask off his face has been charged. She could go to jail for 20 years. Will she try and use the bad day defense or does that only work for white men?
An elderly Asian woman was assaulted on the street in San Francisco by a white man having a bad day. He bloodied her face. She fought back and sent him to the hospital, but now she is too scared to leave her house.
The House held its first congressional hearing in 30 years about violence against Asians, specifically the rise in hate crimes over the past year. Asian members of Congress and local community leaders testified before the committee about what’s going on in their districts and communities and asked for specific legislation for hate crimes against Asians plus outreach (most crimes go unreported) and training for law enforcement. Republiqans made sure to throw a wrench in the hearing with comments like violence has gone up in all communities, not just within the Asian community, not all crimes against Asians are hate crimes, and then flat out, in your face racism such as Republiqan Congressman Chip Roy from Texas who stood up and said that the Chinese communist government were the bad guys — “There’s old sayings in Texas about find all the rope in Texas and get a tall oak tree. You know, we take justice very seriously, and we ought to do that. Round up the bad guys.”
Election fraud! Frank Artiles, former Republiqan state senator in Florida, got his house raided by the cops. He has been charged with participating in a scheme to run a fake candidate against the Democrat. The fake candidate ran as an Independent and had the same last name as the Democrat to confuse voters. The Republican candidate won by 32 votes. Frank Artiles resigned in 2017 after getting into bar fights and cussing black Dems in the Senate out. Frank had more than one bad day.
Biden called Putin a killer and he’s not sorry.
Delta Airlines supports voter suppression laws.
Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio removed a figure of Trump because people keep punching it. They should have kept it and charged people to hit him. Who wouldn’t pay for that? Having a bad day? Punch Trump!
Republiqans are fundraising off of Trump running against Meghan Markle in 2024. She’s in the news right now for doing an interview with Oprah where she outed the Royal Family for being racist.
Fox News is reporting on how pissed off white farmers are that black farmers are getting debt relief with the covid relief package. Never mind that Trump had handed them millions to appease them for ruining their lives with his stupid tariffs on China which killed their industry. That was then this is now. Where’s our cut of that pie? Lindsey Graham called debt forgiveness for black farmers “reparations”.
Joe Biden is president and the Dems are in charge now. Have a nice day!
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