Balls Out
Trump’s balls dropped since his Attorney General has said that he is innocent of all accusations, charges, suspicions, or any vague, blundered comments. He went on Sean Hannity’s show and sung, “All Hail the King.” Sean sang harmony. His balls have dropped, too.
Trump bragged about his barbed wire at the border. It’s more than just ordinary, run of the mill barbed wire that any old prison would use. His barbed wire is barbed wire plus. He doesn’t want the government to talk about migrants as “apprehended.” He wants people to say, “captured.” He says other countries have people on the border with machine guns, ready to shoot migrants. He doesn’t necessarily want to do that, but other countries do it. He’s probably referring to North Korea because Kim Jong-un has big balls.
Homeland Security is warehousing parents and children in a parking lot under a bridge because there is no room inside the Customs and Border Protection detention facility.
Trump says, “I was the most innocent human being.” He also said, “Devin Nunes is someday going to be hailed as a great American hero.”
Trump started tweeting at 6 am this morning. He’s calling for the resignation of the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, and warns that he may need to close the southern border.
Trump says he understands health care now and without telling the Republicans announced that he’ll be pulling the ACA out by the roots.
Trump is loyal to the MAGAs because the MAGAs are loyal to him. The MAGAs want to repeal Obamacare (not the Affordable Care Act, but Obamacare because man do they hate Obama) so Trump is going to repeal Obamacare all by himself because when you’re king they’ll let you do it.
The NRA opposes the Violence Against Women Act because violence against women is good for business.
6 House committees have subpoenaed the Mueller Report by the first week in April.
The House Oversight Committee has requested 10 years of Trump’s financial records.
The Democrats have balls.
Susan Collins is disappointed again.
Mike Pence blurted out in a speech, “WE ARE GOING BACK TO THE MOON!”
A naked man sat in a plastic lawn chair and his balls got stuck in between the slats so someone called 9–1–1 and the paramedics came, tipped him over, and used band cutters to cut through the plastic to free his balls.
Which came first, the MAGA hat or the trapped balls?
The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.