Battle Cry

Spike Dolomite
4 min readJan 5, 2019

Trump did a press conference in the Rose Garden with his handler, Kevin McCarthy (who he called Steve) right by his side. He talked about how many of them in the audience (reporters) followed him on his campaign. Ahhh, my campaign……. Lots of things are happening. The economy is very good. The stock market is up 30%. We’re doing very well. We’re doing very well. We’re making billions and billions of dollars from China. Steel is doing so well we should build a steel wall. The steel industry was almost dead before I took office. San Diego is begging me for the wall. Former presidents have privately told me they wished they had built the wall. We had a productive meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer. We’re all on the same path. I’ve got a group meeting tomorrow to talk about what to do with the border. Coyotes are coming over the border. They go right and then they turn left.

Translation: “I want a face saving way out so just give me something I can call a Wall to my base (who will believe whatever I say) even though it’s a fence or maybe steel slats but in San Diego but not California and also I’m a drone expert” — Congressman Ted Lieu

Trump says he is ready to declare a national emergency so he can get his wall built.

Hundreds of TSA officers are going to call in sick because they’re sick of working for nothing. It’s been 15 days.

3 people have died while visiting closed national parks. There is nobody there to help you if you fall off a cliff, get attacked by a bear, or get hit by a MAGA doing donuts in a pristine meadow on his four wheeler screaming “Mother fuckers!”

Mike Pence and Trump’s pet appointees are getting raises as hundreds of thousands of federal workers get frozen pay and are working without compensation during the Trump Shutdown.

As expected, newly elected Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib from Detroit got scolded and tsk-tsked after the 20 second video of her saying she was going to impeach the mother fucker went viral. Fox News was appalled. Never mind that they never show clips of Trump saying mother fucker or shit or pussy. Nancy Pelosi said it was a generational thing — she wouldn’t use that word. She also said she wondered if so much would have been made out of it if Rashida was a man.

“What she said is less offensive than what President Trump said about John McCain” — Nancy Pelosi

Much ado has been made out of Rashida Tlaib saying mother fucker. More attention should be paid to the fact that she called for impeachment. Besides calling him a mother fucker, she wrote an op-ed in the Free Press saying he has created a constitutional crisis that must be confronted now. He is a direct and serious threat to our country. That’s the story. She was elected to impeach the mother fucker.

Trump said Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib dishonored herself and her family by using that language in front of her son. Kanye West used the same word in the Oval Office and nobody said anything.

Republican hypocrite fun fact: Dick Cheney told Senator Patrick Leahy to go fuck himself on the Senate floor.

“MSNBC reported last night that Trump directed a 15 minute profanity laced screed on impeachment at Schumer and Pelosi at the beginning of their meeting yesterday. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was kind.” — Joseph Barri

Chuck Schumer said that after he and Nancy told Trump they needed the government open, he said he’d keep it closed for a very long period of time….months or even years. He probably called them mother fuckers.

It’s ironic that the party that campaigned on liberals being too politically correct are now pretending to be outraged that a Democrat cussed.

Old timer Democrats reverted to eating their own like they always do, feigning self righteous outrage over a Democrat saying mother fucker as if it was the first time any of them had ever said it or heard it. The new kids on the hill said, “Get over it mother fuckers — spit that out and get to work.”

Impeach the mother fucker is a mission statement.

Impeach the mother fucker is a battle cry.

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.