Because of Him

Spike Dolomite
4 min readDec 20, 2018

Now that Trump says he has defeated ISIS (he already claimed that he defeated ISIS back in October of 2017,) he is planning a full and rapid withdrawal of 2,000 US troops from Syria, because he needs a really big distraction. So what if people get killed? He doesn’t care. He wouldn’t even care if he actually knew anybody that got killed because of him.

Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria was made all by himself on Twitter. He didn’t tell Senator Bob Corker, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, the Congress or the Pentagon. The White House can’t answer any questions because they don’t know what the hell is going on because of him.

Right after Trump tried to look like a big shot by tweeting that Putin wasn’t happy about the US leaving Syria, Putin put out a statement that said he was pleased. Very pleased. He said that Washington “did the right thing” because of him.

Trump is not only putting our military in danger by being reckless and impulsive, he’s sticking it to the Kurds who have been helping us fight ISIS since 9/11. He’s just handing them over to Iran, Turkey and the Russians. They’re going to get killed, because of him.

Trump alone is empowering the resurgence of a hostile foreign power that the western world hast spent decades fighting to weaken. The middle east, Europe and the world are much more dangerous because of him.

Yesterday Trump said we had defeated ISIS in Syria. Today he’s saying we need to leave it to others to fight ISIS in Syria. ISIS will get stronger because of him.

Trump is on the defensive about going rogue on Syria this morning. He tweeted: ….Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us. I am building by far the most powerful military in the world. ISIS hits us they are doomed!

Meanwhile, incoming House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman, Elijah Cummings, let Trump know that he has sent more than 50 letters to agency and department heads, and to the Trump organization asking for documents for the new investigations that are starting in about 2 weeks.

Robert Mueller has asked for the official transcript of Roger Stone’s testimony to Congress.

The same judge that smacked Mike Flynn down a couple of days ago and made history by saying the word, ‘treason” out loud in a courtroom blocked Trump’s policies that prevented immigrants from seeking asylum due to domestic and gang violence. Judge Sullivan is in a very bad mood because of him.

“Maybe Judge Emett Sullivan casually used the word ‘treason’ because the redacted material suggested that Flynn was working with Trump to help Turkey and Russia carve up Syria, which would give “aid and comfort” to ISIS, our ENEMY. Note Trump’s sudden withdrawal from Syria today.” — Laurence Tribe

Talking heads are debating the definition of treason. Some say the word is being tossed around too much and that Trump can’t be tried for treason because we’re not at war. Um, Russia attacked us. It declared war on us but Trump hasn’t done a damn thing about it because he’s aiding and abetting the enemy. Russia attacked us because of him.

Remember, in order for Trump to build Trump Tower Moscow, he was going to have to use a sanctioned bank. He can’t make money in Moscow if he doesn’t lift sanctions.

Fraudulent university, fraudulent foundation, fraudulent inauguration committee, fraudulent president.

What happened to all of those dangerous migrants storming our border? Did they kill anybody? Rape some daughters? Break into a neighbor’s house? Steal a job? Right up until election day those caravans were a national emergency. Are we safe now? Did Trump defeat the immigrants like he did ISIS?

The caravans aren’t being covered anymore over at Fox. Huh. Well, you can’t cover everything. The stories about the debate over the genders of gingerbread cookies, the war on Christmas and somebody stealing ornaments off of a satanic Christmas tree must be told. Fox News viewers have got to know and not just because of him, but because of Republicans. They built Fox News.

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.