Breaking Bad
While the House Judiciary Committee debated holding AG Bill Barr in contempt, Sarah Huckabee Sanders released a statement saying Trump is invoking executive privilege over the Mueller Report. Later in the day she announced that they were revoking press passes and would only be giving access to friendly reporters. She has already restricted access by not holding press briefings. Now the White House is cherry picking who they will talk to by revoking the hard passes of almost the entire White House press corps. Fake news in. Free press out. That’s really bad.
In a party line vote, the House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Bill Barr in contempt of Congress. The Republicans all voted to protect Barr and Trump, the Democrats voted to uphold the Constitution. Next step — a vote in the House.
Jerry Nadler, chair of the House Judiciary Committee said, “What brought us here is that we have to defend our constitutional form of government. This is a lawless administration.”
This is bad.
A video of Marco Rubio has surfaced where he formally says the AG is not above the law and should be held in contempt by Congress. It was made in 2012.
The Republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed Junior over the Russia probe. He told them you can’t make me. Bad boy.
As Mitch McConnell and Kevin McArthy drill down on their “case closed” message, Richard Burr subpoenaed Trump’s son. The Republicans are starting to show signs that they’re falling apart. That’s bad for the GOP but good for the country.
The House Intelligence Committee is now demanding the full Mueller report and all underlying evidence.
House Intelligence Chair, Adam Schiff, says he too is considering subpoenaing Junior regarding concerns he has over his testimony to Congress in 2017.
Congressman Adam Schiff has also introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.
The New York State Senate passed a bill that would allow state officials to provide Congress with the state tax returns of several different types of state and federal elected officials including the president. It also passed a bill to allow state prosecutors to bring charges despite any presidential pardons.
New York is breaking bad.
Ken Starr told Fox News that Robert Mueller’s report has too much detail and is special counsel overkill. His report on Clinton went on forever and had sperm in it.
Speaking of sperm, Eric Bolling got fired from Fox for sending dick pics. He was a featured speaker at Melania’s “Be Best” event. Everybody has seen Melania naked and some people may have seen Eric’s dick so everybody close your eyes and think of Ken Starr.
Yesterday was a bad day for the Trump crime family. Their home state moved to close the pardon loophole and offered up Trump’s tax returns to Congress, Junior got subpoenaed, and his new fixer, Bill Barr, is in deep shit.
The Republicans haven’t said a peep. If they don’t step up and help take Trump down with the Dems, then the next president can do the same thing, only not in their favor.
The White House has refused to respond to a single request from Congress. It does not consider it a co-equal branch of government. Trump is behaving like a king.
The Republicans refuse to check Trump’s power. They have the power to do it and they’re expected to do it, but they won’t do it. Why?
Imagine taking all of their guns away. It’s been a great talking point so far to shoot up some votes from the gun nuts for the Republicans. If Trump prevails, then the next president can do whatever he wants, like take the gun nuts’ guns away. The Republicans would have us all believe that that would be the work of a liberal president but in reality, its dictators that take guns away. You can’t own guns in Russia or North Korea.
This is BAD.
“No one is coming to save us. No one is coming to restore this country and it won’t self-resurrect.” — Charles M. Blow
“We are now in a constitutional crisis” — Congressman Jerry Nadler
We’re at the breaking point. Will the institutions the founders created hold or will tyranny prevail? Can the country be saved or is the great American experiment over?
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