
Spike Dolomite
3 min readMay 14, 2024

Michael Cohen is doing a good job on the witness stand. Today is the second day. He has bonded with the jury, is well prepared and hasn’t lost his cool. Everything he has said can be corroborated with texts, emails and secret recordings.

The courtroom has been packed. Politicians who want to curry favor with Trump and use the opportunity to get press coverage to politicize the trial have shown up on both days — Senators JD Vance (potential VP pick who has already said he won’t accept results of election if Trump loses), Rick Scott (used his time in front of cameras to compare what’s “being done” to Trump with what was done to him when he got busted for Medicare fraud then got away with it), insurrectionist Tubby the Tuba Tommy Tuberville insinuated during his press conference that the jurors weren’t American citizens and claimed that the trial is happening to mentally torture Trump. Alina Habba made an appearance. Speaker Mike Johnson, the self righteous Christian nationalist Bible thumping married father showed up to defend a man who is on trial for paying off a porn star for having sex with him while his third wife was home with their newborn son never went into the court room. He went there to attack Michael Cohen on Trump’s behalf because of the gag order.

All of the butt kissers stood strategically behind the crime boss while he bashed Biden, Democrats, the court then read crap off of pages he printed off the internet. The only family that has shown up to support him is Bleeding Gums Eric. Today he brought his wife, the co-chair of the RNC.

Cohen confirmed everything that he, David Pecker, and Trump did to bribe Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels to keep their mouths shut about having sex with Trump. He also confirmed the things they did to use the National Enquirer to lift Trump up and hurt his political rivals in order to steal votes.

Cohen used Signal to talk to David Pecker because they thought encryption would be better since messages weren’t traceable.

Cohen admitted to breaking the law and lying to Congress to please and protect Trump. Much of what he confessed to has already been reported in the press. He went to jail for it but confessing it now puts it in the court record which is very bad for Trump.

Secret recordings were played in court of Cohen and Trump discussing their crimes.

Trump told Cohen there would be more women who would come forward with their own sex stories unless they paid McDougal and Daniels off to keep them quiet. Trump told Cohen to “handle it” and update him. He handled it by working with CFO Allen Weisselberg (now in jail for a second time for breaking the law on Trump’s behalf) to create a company with a bank account that he could use to take out a home equity loan, pay off Stormy Daniels and get reimbursed by Trump after invoicing him for legal services that he never performed. The debt was more than doubled to cover the income taxes that he’d get stuck with for declaring it as billable income.

Melania came up with the “locker room talk” explanation for the Access Hollywood tape. That kills Trump’s defense that he did everything to protect her.

Cohen said it would have been “catastrophic” to the campaign if the Stormy Daniels story got out after the Access Hollywood story. He said Trump said the Stormy Daniels story was, “a disaster, a total disaster. Women will hate me. Guys will think it’s cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign.”

After the FBI raided Cohen’s home and office in 2018 Trump told him not to worry because he was president of the United States.

Sean Hannity worked from behind the scenes to help with the cover up.

They worked on the cover up from inside the Oval Office.

Michael Cohen will be the final witness called by the prosecution. Now time for the cross examination.



Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.