Children of America
The Southern Baptists, co-creators of Republican Jesus (along with the Republican party) and hate ideology, have been covering up sexual abuse of children by pastors and church leadership for 2 decades. The Southern Baptist Convention has released a report that is 205 pages long which features 700 ministers accused of sexual abuse. 100 of the churches are in Tennessee. These weirdos are so freaked out by drag queens and transgender people, who aren’t out there molesting their kids, while their trusted “spiritual” leaders have been sexually assaulting children all along.
Speaking of Tennessee, Tennessee is giving trans youth one year to detransition. They are also banning drag. You can be arrested for even appearing to be drag so everybody in Tennessee better straighten up and act right. Drag queens aren’t responsible for molesting and grooming kids. They’re not responsible for Tennessee being 40th in the nation for health care and 33rd in education either. They’re not responsible for Tennessee’s despicable poverty, and high infant and maternal mortality rates. White, straight people who pray to Republican Jesus are.
South Dakota passed a law that forces trans kids to detransition.
Texas is banning drag shows. They say it’s to protect the children. Children in Texas are the most vulnerable kids in America because the likelihood of them getting shot wherever they go is very high. Not a single drag queen has shot a bunch of people with an AR-15. No drag queens have been arrested for molesting a child in Texas but over 10 Christian pastors in the past year have.
Wyoming Republicans are fighting to kill a bill that would ban marrying children under the age of 16.
A judge in Oklahoma transferred the parental rights of a two year old child to the sperm donor because the mother is a lesbian.
Another 6 year old in Virginia brought a gun to school. No one got shot this time.
Robby Stuteville, the superintendent of the Texas Rising Star Independent School District, left his gun in a bathroom at an elementary school. A kid found it and told a teacher. Stuteville resigned even though he didn’t do anything illegal. Bringing a gun into an elementary school in Texas is perfectly legal. Principal Monty Jones, the interim superintendent, carries a gun on campus and plans on continuing to do so. What was a grown man using a kids’ bathroom for anyway? Schools have bathrooms for staff. Superintendents are more of a threat to kids going to the bathroom at schools in Texas than trans classmates.
A biography about Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente, a baseball player of African-Cuban descent, has been approved to be reshelved in a school district in Florida after it had been taken off the shelf because it talked about him facing racism in his career which is against the law now in Florida (not racism, talking about it). When confronted about it, Governor Ron DeSantis called it a “joke.”
Speaking of Florida, a 3 year old little boy died after shooting himself with a handgun he discovered in his parents’ bedroom. Because he killed himself in Florida, sympathy is for the poor parents. If it had happened in a blue state, the poor parents would be held responsible. What say you, Governor DeSantis? Is this a “joke” too?
Republicans don’t want 18 year olds voting. They say they’re too young (but not too young to go to war or buy an AR15). They don’t want them voting because they know they won’t vote for them unless they’re successful at upholding white supremacy in public education. Trump really helped with that. He empowered undereducated, paranoid, racist white parents to think that they’re smarter than everybody else so fight for the status quo. Ban those books! Get rid of everybody who isn’t straight and white! Keep that lie going! Save us!
Some of the MAGAs who attacked the Capitol on January 6 brought their kids.
Republican Alaska state rep David Eastman was picked up on camera during a meeting saying that it’s better for society if a child dies from child abuse because it saves the government $1.5 million, “because there aren’t needs for government services over the course of that child’s life”. Eastman has a lifetime membership in the Oath Keepers, is against abortion for any reason, and is anti-Black history month.
Kids who are neglected or are victims of violence are a drain on the government?
The pro-life party thinks an unwanted child dying from abuse is good for society but won’t let abusers abort unwanted fetuses. What is good for society is if society puts ALL children at the center of it and doesn’t make ANY laws that aren’t good for them.
1 in 7 kids experience neglect and child abuse in America. Half of the nation’s kids have already been traumatized by divorce and poverty. All of them are traumatized by having to sit through active shooter drills. Kids lucky enough to be born on the rich side of town have conflated senses of themselves because they are told they can do no wrong and are the center of the universe. American kids have lived a third of their lives with Trump as president, the biggest bully on earth, the man who brought out the absolute worst in their parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and neighbors. The children of America are traumatized.
Parents today can’t raise their kids like their parents raised them because their parents raised them in a country that no longer exists.