Doctors Ordered
In another abuse of power, Trump used the powers of the presidency to get another photo op by making the Secret Service take him on a joyride outside Walter Reed so he could wave to the Proud Boys, MAGAs, and QAnon weirdos camped outside making a scene and disrespecting other patients, many of whom are veterans with PTSD. Trump put the Secret Service at risk to escort him in the one man covid parade.
Every single person who was trapped inside the president’s SUV should be quarantined for 14 days. They could get sick and die and for what? For political theater? To feed Trump’s narcissism? The Secret Service signed up ready to take a bullet for the president, but they didn’t sign up to contract a deadly virus only to die a slow and miserable, lonely death.
Since he craves a crowd and constant attention, he’s encouraging more weirdos to gather outside of Walter Reed which is pissing the people off who live there and is inconsiderate to the patients inside Walter Reed and another nearby facility treating cancer patients. How much did this publicity stunt cost tax payers? He demanded that he be discharged yesterday against doctor’s orders so doctors compromised and let the baby go for a car ride. Did he have to sign an AMA (Against Medical Advice) to go or do the doctors just let him do whatever he wants because he’s a spoiled, out of control child? Should the doctors who allowed this suffer any consequences? Or will they say they were just following orders from the president?
Dr James P. Phillips, MD from Walter Reed tweeted: That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack. The risk of COVID19 transmission inside is as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. The irresponsibility is astounding. My thoughts are with the Secret Service forced to play. He later said, “At what point does the physician-patient relationship end, and does the commander in chief and subordinate relationship begin, and were those doctors ordered to allow this to happen?”
When do doctors’ orders trump Trump’s orders?
Walter Reed went from being a world class medical facility to a reality show set overnight.
Before he went for his look at me ride, doctors did a press briefing for all but about 10 minutes and of course they pumped Trump up as doing great per his orders. They refused to answer questions about his lungs or temperature. When the press asked why they weren’t told the truth on Saturday, Dr. Conley (the really good looking one that Trump puts out front who isn’t actually a Walter Reed doctor but his very own White House doctor who took the place of drunken Dr. Feel Good, Ronny Jackson and isn’t a MD at all but a DO, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine who prescribes hydroxychloroquine) said he was trying “to reflect the upbeat attitude of the team.” He lied so people wouldn’t panic just like Trump lied about the pandemic. “It came off that we were trying to hide something, which wasn’t necessarily true.” Straight from Central Casting Dr. Conley says they’ve begun preparing discharge paperwork because the star and director is “doing well.” President’s orders.
He’s on Dexamethasone, a steroid which induces a false sense of well being, euphoria, and sometimes mania or psychosis which is super dangerous given that Trump has a sense of well being, euphoria, and mania naturally on his own. That explains the 19 manic tweets, all in caps, this morning before sunrise, before the doctors made their rounds and took his phone away. He’s incapacitated. Pence should be in command.
In the 3 propaganda videos he made about feeling great, he never once mentioned the 209,000 who have died.
The White House refuses to do any contact tracing because then everybody would know that Trump knowingly put people in danger in the Rose Garden, his rallies and a fundraiser.
Kellyanne Conway has given the coronavirus to her 15 daughter, Claudia.
“A deadly disease that has killed over a million people around the world, including over 209k Americans, and the infected Donald Trump has found a way to make a mockery of it all. This madness can’t end soon enough.” — Steven Beschsloss
“Sick and in isolation, Mr. President, you have become a symbol of your own failures. Failures of recklessness, ignorance, arrogance. The same failures you have been inflicting on the rest of us … Get well and get it together” — Jake Tapper, CNN
The coronavirus has infected a maximum of 10% of the world’s population. The US is the worst hit, because of Trump’s orders.
29 days until we get to vote.
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