Don’t Cry

Spike Dolomite
3 min readMay 10, 2024

It’s the last day of Trump’s trial for the week. Trump’s lawyer is claiming now that calls made to Michael Cohen must have been butt dials.

Madeline Westerhout is testifying today. She is Trump’s former director of Oval Office operations in the White House. She’s the aid who received checks to Michael Cohen via Federal Express and would give them to Trump to sign in the Oval Office and then Fed Ex them back to be given to Cohen. Madeline Westerhout is the dipshit who got herself in trouble for telling the press after a few drinks that Trump didn’t want to be photographed with Tiffany because she was too fat and he couldn’t pick her out of a crowd. The press reported that and Trump fired her. His attempt at damage control was to tell the press that “Tiffany is great. I love Tiffany.” Madeleine testified that after the Access Hollywood tape came out that people scrambled around in a panic, talking about possibly replacing Trump as the GOP nominee. She testified yesterday too and cried. Hope Hicks cried, too.

You know who didn’t cry on the stand? Stormy Daniels. And she had to relive having sex with the guy.

Trump says he’s able to focus on his campaign and his trials at the same time because he’s “very ambidextrous.”

For anyone wondering if Barron Trump would break free of his dad once he came of age, the answer is he’s not. He’s going to be one of Florida’s at-large delegates ahead of the Republican National Convention. The Don has roped his youngest child into his world of crime just like he did his first three kids. He doesn’t even know how old Barron is. When he talks about him, he says he’s 17, too young to be a delegate.

An appellate court has rejected Steve Bannon’s appeal to have his contempt of Congress ruling overturned and he will now be ordered to prison. He was supposed to go to jail a year and a half ago for blowing off the subpoena from the Select Committee about his role on January 6 but he was able to play games with the court system because he’s rich. His money may not have run out, but the timer on the game has. He’s going to jail. Peter Navarro is sitting in jail right now for doing the exact same thing. The court will give him the date he is to surrender to jail in a couple of weeks. If he’s not ordered to go soon, he could be in jail during the election. Boo hoo.

Steve Bannon will appear before judge Merchan, the same judge overseeing Trump’s trial in New York over allegations he ripped people off when he got them to donate to a fund that supposedly was going to build a wall along the US — Mexico border. His lawyers are expected to argue the case be thrown out. He was already convicted in federal court for this but Trump pardoned him.

MAGA judge Aileen Cannon has postponed Trump’s espionage case in Florida indefinitely. She can no longer be given the benefit of the doubt for being a newbie. She’s not out over her skis. She’s MAGA and is doing all she can to help Trump. She should wear her MAGA hat while on the bench because it’s that obvious now.

Trump held a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago for his groupies who bought his trading cards.

Steve Scalise told Fox News that Republicans are drafting articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for not being aggressive enough in support of Israel.

Trump’s message to the Jews is, “If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden, they should be ashamed of themselves. If you’re Jewish and you vote against me, I say shame on you.”

Michael Cohen will take the stand on Monday.



Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.