Don’t Test. Don’t Testify
Dr. Helen Y. Chu, an infectious disease expert in Seattle, started testing people in January even though “officials” told her not to. She discovered a few cases where people hadn’t travelled abroad concluding that residents of Seattle were passing it to each other. One was a teenaged boy who officials stopped as he was entering his high school once they learned he tested positive. They sent him home and the school was shut down. Didn’t matter. State and federal officials said STOP TESTING.
Trump had lunch with Republican senators and they applauded him as he entered the room as if he were a king because Trump expects that and also because they’re all compromised in some way so they better clap. They yucked it up about keeping rich people happy since they lost so much money on Orange Monday. They’re trying to think of ways for the federal government to bail out the stock market. The oil companies are “hurting.”
Outside of the dining room, Trump responded to reporters’ questions about the coronavirus -
“It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” When they asked him if he had been tested he said no. He feels great. He doesn’t need a test.
When Nancy Pelosi was asked about shutting down Congress she said, nope, captains don’t abandon ship.
Trump needs Pelosi to cut a deal on the coronavirus but he’s still mad at her about her impeaching him so he’s not talking to her.
3 TSA agents at the San Jose airport have tested positive for the coronavirus.
Joe Biden told a gun nut he was full of shit when he confronted him during a campaign visit at a factory in Michigan. He got in Joe’s face and accused him of wanting to take his guns away. You are full of shit, you brain washed, paranoid, Fox News watching, whiter than a confederate ghost idiot. Conservatives were shocked that a candidate for president would use such language. Everybody else thought, “ALL RIGHT! TRUMP HAS MET HIS MATCH! GO JOE!”
Jill Stein is working for Putin, pushing the conspiracy that Joe Biden has dementia which Fox News viewers will believe over Trump having dementia.
Biden rally: Cancelled
Sanders rally: Cancelled
MAGA rally: Let’s get naked, have a spitting contest and mud wrestle.
As Jeff Sessions rides on Trump’s coat tails by campaigning in his MAGA hat, Trump stuck it to him by endorsing his opponent, Tommy Tuberville.
What else did Trump do yesterday? He tweeted crap like this: Best unemployment numbers in the history of our Country. Best employment number EVER, almost 160 million people working right now. Vote Republican, unless you want to see these numbers obliterated!……. If you like automobiles, how can you vote for a Democrat who all want to get rid of cars, as quickly as possible, especially if they are powered by gasoline. Remember also, no more than one car per family. I, on the other hand, have new plants being built all over Michigan, Plus!…… Nancy Pelosi just said, “I don’t know if we can be ready this week.” In other words, it’s off to vacation for the Do Nothing Democrats. That’s been the story with them for 1 1/2 years!……. There is another Russia, Russia, Russia meeting today. It is headed up by corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff, so I wouldn’t expect too much!
The Third Lady spoke at a PTA Legislative Conference in Virginia about cyber bullying. MAGA moms weren’t there to cheer her on because they think the PTA is a left wing organization that cares about immigrant kids.
A hearing in the House on the coronavirus has been cut short this morning so that the health officials who are testifying can get to the White House right now for an emergency meeting. Since nobody can believe a word the White House says people have to wonder if the emergency is that Trump doesn’t want experts testifying before Congress.
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