End Times
The burning of Notre Dame……a symbol of the end times? What the hell is going on? The whole world is on fire! The White House says it wants to help France rebuild Notre Dame but fuck Flint and Puerto Rico. Oh and the 3 black churches in Louisiana that got torched by a white supremacist. Fuck them. They don’t get to be part of our times.
Glenn Beck has weighed in on the Notre Dame fire, “If this was started by Islamists, I don’t think you’ll find out about it.” That guy has played a big role in brainwashing old white people into believing liberals, Muslims and immigrants are bringing on the end times. The slow burn started with him. If there is a Hell, he’d be the bouncer at the door.
Former whackadoodle congresswoman Michele Bachmann says Trump is the most Godly president ever. Well there you go, Michele Bachman, expert on all things Jesus, says Trump was sent by God. He’s ready to lead her and all the real believers straight up to Heaven because these are the end times. She knows these things. She gets to go first. See ya next time, muther fuckas!
Here are all of the countries that Ivanka has been to in her official capacity as…….. as her dad’s…… as whatever the hell she does: Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, Poland, Germany, India, and Japan. Here are the countries Ivanka has visited that she does business in: Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, Poland, Germany, India, and Japan.
The Trump campaign continues to pay $37,541 in monthly rent to Trump Tower even though nobody is there. We know this because the New York Times is piled up outside the door. The times just keeps piling up outside of Trump’s fake door. And Notre Dame burned.
On the 20th anniversary of Columbine, the first mass school shooting that inspired the times, “We murder our own children in America,” all Denver area schools got put on lock down because some 18 year old lunatic from Florida hopped on a plane and went to Denver and bought a pump-action shotgun and threatened to blow up another school or two to commemorate the occasion. Her dad said she might have mental problems. YA THINK? HERE! HAVE A GUN! HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!!
Question for the gay hating pro-lifers: If you knew for sure that the zygote you’re trying to save was gay, would you still save it?
Trump and the White House are preparing an aggressive response to the release of Mueller’s report tomorrow. They’ve got their own report on the report even though they supposedly haven’t read the report.
“Trump does it all, hurricanes, forest fires, legal advice , real estate tips, casino management, space exploration, how to get your sweetheart from another country into the U.S. and marry her, author of several insightful books on running a successful business , owning your own airline, architecture, tax law, constitutional law ,marital advice, foreign relations, vodka and finally steaks, Trump steaks.” — Leonard Leone
Melania says she’s ready to serve 4 more years as the Third Lady.
We are living in some really weird times.
The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.