Fired Side Chat

Spike Dolomite
4 min readDec 3, 2020


Trump’s reality TV prop — the infamous chart. The Lincoln Project fixed it.

Trump made a 46 minute propaganda video for Facebook where he rambled on and on about being robbed. He had charts. The press wasn’t invited. He said it was the most important speech he’s ever made. It was a made for Facebook video — pure bullshit. His plan was for it to go viral but it fell flat and people made fun of him.

“Hey look, it’s a Fired Side Chat.” — Jeremy Newberger

The country is going through an attempted coup by the sitting president of the United States who refuses to relinquish power and is actively trying to overthrow the will of the people and Republicans haven’t said or done a thing and now they’re going to poison the recovery and sabotage Biden’s success. They haven’t suffered a single consequence. They’re confident in their dereliction of duty because none of them got fired in November thanks to gerrymandering. The rich, the white supremacists, and the dumber than dirt MAGAs have been lassoed into contorted shapes to guarantee Republicans ongoing power. As long as they cater to the few who live within those lassoed pods, they’ll never get fired. Cherry picking voters by gerrymandering is un-Democratic. Republicans are un-Democratic.

Trump is all excited because he gets to do a MAGA rally in Georgia, supposedly for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. He can’t wait to get all that attention he’s been a month without. Given his mental state right now, he might mention their names at the very end — Kelly Perdue and David Loeffler.

Zero counties in the US have not reported a coronavirus case. It’s everywhere now.

1 in 800 residents in North Dakota is dead from the coronavirus. 2 weeks ago it was 1 in 1000. Living in a red state is dangerous to your health.

Over 5,300 people died in 48 hours. Not a word from Trump. He’s focused on tearing up the White House before he leaves by throwing 25 Christmas parties. They’re going to trash the place like Motley Crew’s last night on tour.

Mike Pompeo and his wife are hosting multiple holiday parties, too. One will take over an entire floor in the State Department. 900 people are invited. They’re going to beam people up like the cast of Jesus Christ Superstar on closing night. Rapture! Covid is God’s will!

About 4% of the country has contracted the coronavirus. 1 in 6 members of the Republican caucus has it or has had it because they have politicized the virus and refuse to social distance and wear masks.

Meanwhile in reality, a 5 year old little boy in Texas who was orphaned after his mother and father both died from coronavirus, celebrated his birthday with a special pandemic party given to him by his community — a drive-by parade that featured fire trucks, dinosaurs and Santa Claus. In Michigan, a couple who had been married for 50 years died of the coronavirus 1 minute apart from one another. People who go to parties at the White House and State Department don’t care about orphans and the elderly and they never have.

Mike Flynn says the coronavirus is part of a coup plot against him.

Ivanka sat for a deposition as part of ongoing investigation into Trump’s Inaugural Committee. It was a small inauguration but yet it brought in the most money of any inauguration. Where did it all go and where did it come from? How much did Trump’s hotel get? Melania has been subpoenaed, too.

80 year old Republican Senator Lamar Alexander from Tennessee made his goodbye retirement speech and made Mitch McConnell cry (Mitch the Bitch had a feeling!). Lamar came in to the public spotlight as the newly elected governor of Tennessee in 1979 who had to be sworn in 3 days early in secret because his predecessor, Ray Blanton, was cashing in on bribes for pardons, releasing serial murderers from prison and the only way he could be stopped was if they took his power away from him as soon as possible. He’s leaving public life in the same spotlight with a defeated president going nuts with pardons in exchange for favors and cash.

Republican criminal politician fun fact: Ray Blanton went to jail and lived out the rest of his days in obscurity, selling cars. His legacy is that he was one of the 10 most corrupt politicians of all time.

Republican criminal politician prediction: Donald Trump will go down in infamy as the most corrupt American politician of all time.

48 days until Joe Biden can calm the nation with his own fireside chats that are full of confidence, compassion, love of country, and decades of experience.

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Spike Dolomite
Spike Dolomite

Written by Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns.

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