Friends in High Places
A day after an appeals court said once and for all that Trump’s buddy, Michael Flynn, won’t have to do any jail time and that his case should be dismissed because Bill Barr, the House Judiciary Committee met to hear testimony about political interference of the justice department. 2 prosecutors testified that Attorney General Bill Barr put political pressure on them to go easy on Trump’s friends. One of the prosecutors, Donald Ayer said, “I was privileged to serve in the DOJ under 2 Republican and 1 Democratic president, and I am here because I believe that William Barr poses the greatest threat in my lifetime to our rule of law and to public trust in it.” He believes that Barr is using the department to reward Trump’s friends and punish his enemies, and support Trump’s campaign.
The Republicans didn’t want people to hear any of this so like spoiled toddlers, they threw a fit and made total fools of themselves. Louie Gohmert kept banging on the table to drown out testimony and then used his questioning time to thank his wife for not leaving him.
Democrats asked for the Sergeant at Arms to remove Gohmert from the hearing room but that never happened.
Bill Barr fun fact: Bill Barr is the ONLY attorney general to not appear before the House Judiciary Committee in nearly 30 years. The only other AG to pull this shit was Bill Barr again when he helped George H.W. Bush get around Congress.
Gym Jordan sat next to Jerry Nadler, chair of the committee, during the hearing without wearing a mask. Nadler’s wife has cancer.
A judge has ruled that Devin Nunes can’t sue Twitter for letting a fake internet cow and a fake mom make fun of him. Both accounts are written by a Republican strategist with a sense of humor who is sick of Devin Nunes and his shit. There’s an actual article about this in his home town paper, the Fresno Bee. Devin’s lawyer argued that Twitter favors liberal voices over conservative voices. Um, no. Liberals don’t have friends in high Twitter places. They get tossed off every day for making fun of shitheads like Devin Nunes, Trump, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell and everybody else.
Liberals who got kicked off of Twitter fun fact: The author of the Daily Crime Report got 86'd from Twitter for trolling repugs and is now tweeting under the pseudonym Danielle Kennedy.
Speaking of trollable Republicans, filthy rich white rookie senator, Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, wife of Wall Street titan who she gave insider information to about the coronavirus so they could cash in, and buddy of the governor who gave her the job, went on Fox News to say that guns are for white people. Black people who are out in public with long guns is “mob rule” in her book and endangers civilians (white people) and law enforcement because Democrats want to defund the police.
Speaking of defunding the police, 3 cops in North Carolina were fired after a recording of them saying racist shit was discovered by a sergeant where they talked about society needing a civil war to wipe black people off the map. “We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them fucking niggers, I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.”
Tamir Rice should be turning 18 today. He was shot by a white police officer when he was 12 because he was playing with a toy gun in the park.
In Scottsdale, Arizona, Republican city council member Guy Phillips made a speech at an anti-mask rally. He was wearing a mask and then dramatically took it off saying, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe,” the last words of George Floyd.
A crazy Qanon lady in Palm Beach, Florida took to the podium during public comment at a county commissioners meeting about mandating the wearing of masks. She rambled on and on about the devil and citizens’ arrest, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, pedophiles, and the deep state. Another woman concluded her rant by saying, “I don’t wear a mask for the same reason I don’t wear underwear, things gotta breathe.”
Another 1.48 million Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week.
In the past 4 months, Trump has created 29 more billionaires and lost more than 46 million jobs.
The US just hit a record for the number of number of coronavirus cases reported in a single day — 38,115. The federal government cut bait way back when Trump wasn’t able to sell the stock of hydroxychloroquine the government bought from his pharma buddies. He’s bored now and has gone fishin’ (golf for rich white men.)
Since Trump has been president, he has told MAGAs that the Muslims are gonna get them, the Mexicans are gonna get them, the gays are gonna get them, the blacks are gonna get them, the Democrats are gonna get them, but the coronavirus won’t get them.
For a copy of the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report, click here.
For a copy of the Mueller Report, click here.
For a list of attorneys giving legal analysis about the imploding Trump presidency on Twitter, click here.
For the best journalists to follow on Twitter, click here.
For straight news, check out these reliable sources on Twitter.
The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.