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The Supreme Court has made its decision regarding Texas’s vigilante anti-abortion law and the Republicans have won. SCOTUS made a no opinion opinion. The highest court in the land basically said that letting people sue anybody who helps a woman get an abortion is legal. Like citizens who got a bounty for hunting down escaped slaves and returning them to their owners under the Fugitive Slave Act, citizens in Texas can get a bounty for turning in anybody who helps a woman get an abortion. The Republican strategy worked.
OK, then. If red states want to turn back time and treat women as property, blue states can use the same model as Texas to solve their gun violence problems by encouraging blue citizens to hunt down illegal assault weapons and turn people in who possess and sell them. Governor Newsom of California has already announced that he’d like the state legislature to take up legislation that would give ordinary people incentive to report the known whereabouts of assault weapons and ghost guns. California is also working on a plan to become an abortion “sanctuary.” If the red states are going to force women to be pregnant and give birth, they can come to California to get a safe and legal abortion and travel, lodging and medical procedure costs will be covered. No questions asked because it isn’t California’s business why a woman would seek an abortion. Using Republican strategies against Republicans could work.
“I have no problem with the Second Amendment. You have a right to bear arms, but not weapons of goddamn mass destruction.” — California Governor Gavin Newsom
If the Catholic Federalist Society Supreme Court is going to ban Roe v Wade because it’s murder it needs to ban ordinary people from getting their hands on assault weapons used in war because that’s murder too.
A Republican state senator in Arkansas is already fast at work putting a copycat version of Texas SB 8 together to control half the population of Arkansas.
Governor Greg Abbott of Texas went on Fox News and said, “……whether or not somebody is going to have something put into their body that they do not want put into their body. That’s more than freedom, that’s the right to control and secure your own body.” He was talking about the vaccine, not abortion.
Governor Ron DeSantis is clawing for headlines. He’s hoping that illegal immigration will help him break through but it’s not working. The media isn’t interested in him right now. Not while the Democrats are in disarray.
Now that the Republicans are making good on their promises and plans to overturn Roe v Wade, what will they fundraise off of? How will they get their base worked up into a frenzied, slobbery lather if they don’t have a bloody zygote to throw at them to round up donations and votes? Now what? Their evil plan worked but now what?
A 200 mile tornado completely destroyed thousands of homes and killed 100 people in Kentucky. Libertarian Senator Rand Paul, notorious for voting against states getting federal aid, is wanting the federal government’s help. He voted against relief for Hurricane Katrina, Maria, Harvey, and Sandy, plus he wanted to dismantle FEMA, but he wants money now for his state. Here’s one of the many heartless things he has said on the Senate floor: “People here will say they have great compassion and they want to help the people of Puerto Rico, the people of Texas, and the people of Florida but notice they have great compassion with someone else’s money.”
South Dakota held a “Dash for Cash” in a big indoor arena where humiliated, underpaid, stressed out, exhausted, scape goated teachers got on their knees to fight for one dollar bills that they can use for classroom supplies as spectators watched and cheered like Romans at the Coliseum.
Chris Wallace announced at the end of his Fox News show that he’s leaving after 18 years and going to work for CNN. He gave them the finger under his desk while saying at the same time on camera that Fox never told him what to say or who to interview. They never interfered with his show.
Kanye West’s publicist knocked on the door of an election official’s house in Georgia and tried to scare her into confessing to election fraud. She said she represented someone really powerful and threatened her with jail time if she didn’t admit to processing fraudulent mail-in ballots. The election official and her daughter have been getting death threats from MAGAs ever since Trump accused them of throwing out ballots for Trump. Trump has ruined her life.
Steve Bannon called on the MAGA militias to “get ready” in a podcast interview he did with Matt Gaetz. He called for 4,000 shock troops to man the government in 2024 to return Trumpism to power.
Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows put a step by step coup plan together on PowerPoint and the media is barely covering it. Insurrection for Dummies isn’t as interesting as the Democrats are in disarray.
The number of unemployment claims has plunged to the lowest level in 52 years. When the year began and Trump was still sitting on his fat ass in the Oval Office doing nothing but trying to figure out how to hold on to power, there were over 900,000 jobless claims per week. People were out of work or if they were lucky, working from home. On top of that he had no plan for the vaccine roll out. The death toll had reached 3,300 a day. The country was at the brink of collapse.
Today, under President Biden, over 200 million people are fully vaccinated. The job market is recovering after the covid recession — job creation is 60 times better than the last 3 presidents. People are working. The vaccine is working. Biden did that. Biden pulled us back from the brink and yet the media says he’s doomed. He’s not that popular.
“In less than one year, Biden did what Trump couldn’t do in four years.” — Wajahat Ali
Hey media! Get to work.
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