Good Day, America!

Spike Dolomite
4 min readNov 6, 2020

If this were any other time, the race would be called for Biden even though not every single vote has been counted. But since Trump is telling his followers that he has been robbed and that the election is rigged, they’re going to dot every “i” and cross every “t” twice. So Americans are still sitting on the edges of their seats, waiting. They woke up this morning to the news that Biden is ahead in Georgia, thanks to John Lewis’s district. Trump is going to have a hell of a time claiming that the state is anti-Trump since it has a Republican governor, a Republican lieutenant governor, and a Republican attorney general. The state is flipping because of Stacey Abrams and her team registering 800,000 new voters.

MAGAs are going to have a bad day.

As votes are being counted in an historical, record breaking, nail biting election, the US broke another record — an all time high for daily coronavirus cases — 120,048. MAGAs don’t care. 19% of them said that the pandemic was their number one concern when they voted for Trump. Trump is doing better this year than he did in 2016 in counties with high COVID-19 death rates. These people don’t even know what day it is.

Trump is totally freaking out. Courts aren’t cooperating with his scam and he can’t tweet. So he’s got to get attention somehow and let his rage out so he used his presidential power to call a press conference where he accused the Democrats, polling places and the media of being corrupt and colluding to steal the election from him. Most networks cut him off. The president of the United States used his power to denigrate the democratic process on national television. He reminded the country that he told us this was going to happen. He claimed that liberal cities are corrupt and mailed out tens of millions of ballots, “unsolicited.” Republicans have not denounced this. They haven’t said a word. They haven’t defended him either. They have no more use for him. They’re going to have an OK day because they have no conscience.

“Just remember: with incredibly few exceptions, Republican politicians stood by this man for the last four years. They were on board with everything.” — Jon Favreau

Courts threw out lawsuits by the Trump campaign in Georgia and Michigan. Twitter cut Trump off so he’s bypassing Twitter by having his staff send out his crazy tweet rants as official memos and press releases from the president. Staffers in the White House are going to have a bad today not because they have a conscience and have any regrets but because Trump will be unbearable all day.

The Trump crime family can’t bully and cheat their way out of this one like they’ve done everything else. They’ve never “lost” before. Their whole world order is crashing in on them. Have a nice day, mobsters! Justice is on the way!

For the first time in his life he has nobody to bail him out or buy off. Trump is trapped. Since he’s the most powerful man in the world he’s going to use anything and everything at his disposal to exact his revenge so we’ve got some long days ahead of us.

Trump’s frivolous lawsuits challenging the counting of the votes is not designed to win in court, but to spread misinformation and get his followers worked up so they’ll create chaos in the streets. The whole plan is to control the narrative so that the MAGAs will start a civil war in his name. Have a nice day? Don’t tell us what kind of day to have!

MAGAs say they’ll move to Canada if Biden wins but they wouldn’t like it because they have socialized health care, legal abortion and citizens care about each other. Plus Canada doesn’t want them.

“After Donald Trump loses I hope Alec Baldwin opens SNL by playing a sad piano version of YMCA” — Adam Blickstein

Vote leads as of 8:55 a.m. ET this morning:

Georgia (99% in): Biden +1,097
Pennsylvania (95%): Biden +5,587
Nevada (89%): Biden +11,438
Arizona (90%): Biden +47,052

America is going to have a good day today.

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.