Harsh Reality
There have been 1 million new cases of covid since August 1. 1 million in 9 days, just as more kids are headed off to school…..the sacrificial lambs of the sheep herding GOP. The south is going to look like New York did in the spring of 2020 really soon- sick people will be laying on the floor in the halls of hospitals, dead bodies are going to start piling up in refrigerator trucks and children are going to suffer and die alone for what? Because Republican governors have made policy that puts profits over people and are fundraising off of the government taking away our freedoms. When the old people in nursing homes died back in the spring of 2020 the mean and ugly didn’t care. They were old, so what? When sick people got covid and died, the mean and ugly didn’t care. They were sick, so what? When the kids of the mean and ugly get sick and die will they care? Since the mean and ugly will defend the second amendment after they leave loaded weapons lying around the house for their kids to pick up and accidentally shoot and kill themselves, it’s highly likely that they’ll see their own children’s death from covid as a sacrifice for their “liberty.”
Kids with covid are lying in hospital beds right now with encephalitis, the inflammation of the brain. Mean and ugly adults did this to them.
In some rural counties in Iowa, less than 40% of the residents are vaccinated. After 10% of them die from covid then maybe the Dems can finally win in Iowa and start putting the mean and ugly in their place — back under the rocks from whence they came. Tens of thousands of expired doses of vaccine have had to be destroyed in Iowa because Fox News is on all day, everywhere — at home, in diners, in the waiting area to get your truck tires changed, at the barbershop. It’s EVERYWHERE. Big Brother is watching but in Iowa Big Brother is Sid from Toy Story. Sound harsh? So is sending your unvaccinated kids back to school without masks.
Idaho has entered its fourth covid surge. Cases are on a sharp rise and are expected to exceed third surge numbers because people are mean and ugly, gullible and stupid. Sound harsh? So is sending your unvaccinated kids back to school without masks.
If you look at a map of covid cases across the country it looks like there’s a miracle happening in Nebraska — the only state without covid! Um, no. They’re covering up the truth and not posting regular updates, just like they did when they had a breakout of covid in meat packing plants last year. Will they still have a clean record after the bikers from Texas head back home from Sturgis and spread it down highways 83 and 2?
After banning local governments from enacting mask and vaccine mandates, Governor Greg Abbott is now begging health care experts from out of state to help because covid is out of control in Texas. He has asked hospitals to voluntarily postpone elective medical procedures. The governor is asking hospitals to wait on things like hip replacements because he fucked up. People who have done all of the right things to keep themselves and others safe are being pushed aside to make room for the mean and ugly who have covid now because they don’t give a shit about other people. Sound harsh? So is sending your unvaccinated kids back to school without masks.
Asa Hutchison, governor of Arkansas, regrets signing the law that let politically ambitious sadists take over his state and kill people. They just had their largest single day of hospitalizations — only 8 ICU beds are left. Do all of the TVs throughout the hospital have Fox News playing 24/7? Instead of seeing Jesus when you die do people hear Laura Ingraham telling them that they should have taken hydroxychloroquine? A nurse in Arkansas let both of her parents die from covid and is crying now because people are being mean to her. “It was their decision,” she said. Piss off, Nurse Racket, you killed your parents. Sound harsh? So is letting your elderly parents die and sending unvaccinated kids back to school without masks.
1 in 4 of all new covid hospitalizations are in Florida. Governor Ron Deathsantis is handling Florida just like Trump handled America. He’s lying, making things worse, and pretending like everything is fine. He’s only concerned about one thing — his own political career. He’s threatening to withhold the salaries of superintendents and school board members who defy him and implement mask mandates when unvaccinated kids go back to school. The state of Florida has all sorts of crises going on — covid, red algae that’s killing their ecosystem, tourism and home values, the Cuban crisis, the climate crisis with more frequent and intense hurricanes and rising sea levels which impacts the entire state, buildings falling down and failing infrastructure, and the governor is ignoring it all, just like Trump.
“Imagine a political landscape where your clearest path to victory was openly murdering your own supporters and then blaming it on your opponents- even though everyone watched you fire the gun.” — Clifton Hamilton
Republicans committing genocide in America — that’s not harsh. That’s criminal.
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