Indictment #4

Spike Dolomite
4 min readAug 15, 2023


Late last night in Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fanni Willis read the names and charges from her long awaited indictment. Read it here.

Trump and 18 others including Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Mark Meadows, John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Jenna Ellis, Kenneth Chesebro, Mike Roman, and others have been charged in Georgia in a 98 page indictment listing 41 criminal counts. Trump is facing 14 felony charges including RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization), conspiracy to commit forgery, filing false documents, solicitation of violation of oath by public officer and more. Count 1 alone (the RICO charge) is 59 pages long, has 41 counts with 161 acts of racketeering activity. All 19 defendants will be charged with at least one count of RICO. They’ll be tried together (except for the ones who plead guilty).

RICO is used to charge gangs and mobs. In the indictment, Trump and the 18 defendants are referred to as “members of the enterprise.” Trump is the mob boss of a criminal enterprise…...the former President of the United States. Trump is Fraud Father.

The indictment laid out eight ways the enterprise obstructed the election — by lying to the Georgia state legislature, by lying to state officials, by creating fake electors, by harassing election workers, by soliciting DOJ officials, by soliciting Vice President Mike Pence, by breaching voting machines, and by engaging in a cover up.

Fani Willis called it a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn the Georgia 2020 election.

Trump’s criminal enterprise operated in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Mexico, Wisconsin, and Washington DC.

RICO fun fact: Rudy Giuliani pioneered the use of RICO to prosecute the Mafia in New York City when he was District Attorney.

There are 30 unindicted co-conspirators.

Georgia’s powerful RICO law is typically used to prosecute gangs and other criminal organizations. Fanni Willis has plenty of experience with RICO prosecutions. This is her 11th RICO case since 2021.

RICO charges mean jail time — no probation. 5 years minimum, FOR EVERYBODY. Prosecutors can seek 20 year prison sentences.

Fanni Willis wants to go to trial as soon as possible — within 6 months. She invited everyone to voluntarily surrender by noon, August 25. If they don’t, they’ll be arrested.

Trump will get his mug shot taken this time. The Sheriff said he won’t be getting any special treatment by skipping the mug shot.

Cameras are allowed in the courtroom. The passing of the indictment from the clerk to the judge for signature and passed back again was filmed for the public to see. Most of the people on the team that escorted the indictment were Black. The racist MAGAs watching (assuming they’re watching real news and not more coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop on Fox) had to be bothered by that but there weren’t any of them outside of the courthouse expressing their outrage. The streets were pretty empty except for news trucks. They have been blocked off for a couple of weeks in case of violence.

Disbarred former Trump attorney Lin Wood was not listed in the indictment which means he probably flipped and is cooperating with prosecutors. Others will flip too because under state charges they won’t be pardoned if Trump is elected again as president.

Rudy is 79. If convicted he will most likely die in a Georgia prison.

Lindsey Graham was not mentioned anywhere. Why? He’s hopping mad right now. He went on Fox and said, “Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the President of the United States? The former President of the United States. To my Democratic friends, be careful what you wish for.” Then he said something similar to what he said when he refused to convict Trump after he was impeached, “This should be decided at the ballot box and not in a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail. They’re weaponizing the law.” Um, that’s the whole gist of the case. He helped Trump try and empty the ballot box in Georgia.

Lindsey Graham did everything he could to get out of testifying before the grand jury, including pulling strings with his buddies on the Supreme Court, but to no avail. Nobody knows what he told them. Maybe that’s why he was indicted. He flipped, too. He’s just pretending to be hopping mad on Fox because he knows Trump is watching.

Former Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan is hopping mad too but for the right reasons. He testified earlier in the day to the grand jury and then talked to the press afterwards. “The election wasn’t rigged and Donald Trump was the worst candidate ever, in the history of our party.” Trump threatened him earlier in the day when he found out he was testifying. He posted that he shouldn’t testify and called him a loser who was very unpopular with Republicans. He’s “a nasty disaster for those looking into the Election Fraud” because he wouldn’t call a special session to investigate Trump’s claims that the election was stolen. Trump violated court orders by intimidating a witness publicly.

This is Trump’s 4th indictment. He’s being charged for running a national racketeering criminal enterprise. This is a huge moment in American history — a president of the United States is being accused, in an official court document, of being the head of a criminal enterprise with the help of his lawyers, chief of staff, and the support of the entire Republican Party. This is huge.

Latest criminal indictment count: 91.

Trump will spin this as election interference and say he’s being indicted in the middle of his campaign but the truth is Trump is campaigning in the middle of his indictments.



Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.