Let us Prey
Evangelical TV Bible thumper Franklin Graham has designated this day as the day for preachers around the country to pray for Trump because he’s being treated unfairly. This guy. This guy has seen the Third Lady naked. All those preachers have. They all have their own private jets too, just like Trump. The Third Lady flies on Trump’s plane but she won’t let him see her naked.
TV evangelists are all cut from the same cloth and it sure as hell isn’t from the hem of Jesus’ garment.
He tweeted 24 times yesterday. 13 tweets were about the prayer day designed just for him. It’s all about me! Everybody is praying for me! All at once! Nobody has ever had this many TV preachers pray for them all at once like they are for ME!
Trump’s Kentucky campaign chair, 71 year old bloated red eyed Timothy Nolan, also a district judge, entered guilty pleas on all 21 counts against him for threatening arrest and eviction of women and young girls that he drugged and forced to have sex with him.
Indicted Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter admitted that when he was a Marine he killed hundreds of civilians in Fallujah, even women and kids. So what? We all did it! He was defending the Navy SEAL officer Edward Gallagher who is being tried for war crimes right now. “So, do I get judged too?” He said that he frankly didn’t care if Gallagher killed a teenaged kid. That ISIS fighter was going to die anyway. And as far as posting pictures of himself with people he had just killed, he said everybody does it. People voted for this guy knowing that he was under indictment for living a life of luxury off of his campaign funds and they’ll vote for him knowing that he defended a war criminal. They’ll vote for Trump, too.
Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz did a town hall yesterday and a bunch of protesters showed up. One threw a drink at him (not a cocktail — a milkshake). Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman did a town hall yesterday too. No protesters. Nobody threw anything at him. 90% of those in attendance wanted to talk about Trump the whole time. So no, Speaker Pelosi, people aren’t saying they don’t want to impeach. You are.
Trump tweeted that Emmet Flood is leaving on June 14 after coming in to help him with the Mueller Report. Um, no. He wasn’t hired to just come in and counsel him on the Mueller Report. He was hired to take Don McGahn’s job as White House Counsel. He is either bailing because Trump asked him to lie or he can’t take it anymore. There’s a story there but there are so many stories everywhere that we can’t keep up with them anymore.
Trump thinks that if he’s impeached he’ll just have the Supreme Court overturn it.
Former congressman Barney Frank says it’s time to give Trump a nickname — Unindicted Donald.
Anyone applying for a US visa will have to reveal all of their social media identities, email addresses and phone numbers.
Trump is headed for London this week and Londoners aren’t having it. Mayor Sadiq Khan wrote an op-ed and pretty much called Trump a 20th century fascist. “They are intentionally pitting their own citizens against one another, regardless of the horrific impact. They are picking on minority groups and the marginalised to manufacture an enemy. Trump is seen as a figurehead of this global far-right movement……….There are some who argue that we should hold our noses and stomach the spectacle of honouring Trump … But at what point should we stop appeasing — and implicitly condoning — his far-right policies and views? Where do we draw the line?”
Trump says he’d make a better princess than Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. He called her “nasty” because she thinks he’s a misogynist and doesn’t want to have tea with him.
“It will get worse. Trump and his allies will escalate their power grab rapidly over the next 17 months. If you’re wondering how this ends, whether Americans have what it takes to fight nationalist authoritarianism, ask yourself what sacrifices you’re currently making to fight it.” — Walter Shaub
Think about it. Is there not a democracy right now that isn’t under attack or hasn’t already fallen to the right wing nationalist movement?
Before you pray, read the Mueller Report.
For a copy of the Mueller Report, click here.
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The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.