The inspector charged with overseeing Trump’s money while he is in court over his New York fraud cause has found a fake loan of $50 million that he borrowed from himself which he pays back to himself in order to avoid paying income taxes.
Trump only has $400 million cash on hand. He’s going to have to sell assets to pay judgements and/or set up another grifter fund to milk his cult supporters out of their social security checks (anybody sending him money will be sending it to feminist E. Jean Carroll and the liberal state of New York, LOL). He receives $80 million a year from rent on his properties. Since he is paying out $10 million a month to attorneys he has to get money somewhere. Russia? China? Saudi Arabia? Oceania? Lilliput? Gilead? LOL.
For the first time in almost 80 years Trump is finally suffering consequences for being a phony criminal quasi mob boss spoiled brat rich kid bully. He’s going to end up having to pay half a billion in a week and he doesn’t have that. His criminal trials are going to start soon.
Trump will be a defendant until the day he dies. LOL.
The Senate has a bipartisan immigration bill ready to send to the House and Biden fully supports it. Little big man Speaker Mike Johnson says it is dead on arrival.
The House is impeaching the Secretary of Homeland Security for Trump without cause. Trump says he’s the only one who can solve the border crisis. He had 4 years to solve the border crisis and never did. The wall that he promised that would be paid for by Mexico never got built and his buddy Steve Bannon hasn’t done his jail time yet for setting up a grifter fund to get Trump’s cult followers to pay for it.
Maybe Mexico will pay for Trump’s legal bills. LOL.
There is a bogus impeachment hearing going on right now. Congressman Dan Goldman said, “You’re sitting here right now trying to impeach a Secretary of Homeland Security for neglecting his duties literally while he’s trying to perform his duties and negotiate legislation. The real reason we’re here, as we all know, is Trump wants to run on immigration.”
Speaking of immigration, Fox News hasn’t reported on the daily “caravans” of illegals crashing through the border in a long time. LOL.
Immigrants — the biggest threat to America! More dangerous than transgenders or feminists. Lazy free loaders who come here and somehow take all the jobs. LOL.
Rudy filed for bankruptcy in New York. He owes $500 million and only has $1–10 million in assets. LOL.
John Stewart is back hosting the Daily for the 2024 election cycle. LOL.
Lauren Boebert came in 5th place in a straw poll in her new congressional district where she’s running against 4 other Republicans in the primary. LOL.
Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened Republicans who don’t support Trump with “eradication” from the party. LOL.
“Foreign leaders think Trump is a laughing fool.” — John Bolton, Trump’s former national security advisor
“If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don’t bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he’s a good man.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky
Trump never laughs.