Never Forget
Today is September 11, the day that used to be our worst day. We had been attacked by terrorists from Saudi Arabia and 3,000 people died. This year, that number has been surpassed by the Trump Plague which kills the equivalent of 9/11 every 3 days. We’re being killed from within and the president of the United Sates is responsible. Never forget.
Trump has outdone state hospitality towards the Saudis by surpassing Bush who gave cover to his Saudi Arabian buddies who were visiting when the planes hit the towers by flying them out before people understood what was really going on by wanting to invite the Taliban to Camp David and covering for Saudi Arabia for murdering Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Trump bragged about it to Bob Woodward. He admitted that he protected Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) from congressional scrutiny after the assassination. “I saved his ass…..I was able to get Congress to leave him alone.”
Trump did a damage control press briefing where he blamed Bob Woodward for what he said. Reporters asked him about what they heard Trump say on tape. “What did you mean when you said you ‘saved MBS’s ass’?” Trump shrugged and replied, “You’ll have to figure that out yourself.” Then he bragged about his progress with the enemy, “We’re getting along very, very well with the Taliban.” He stupidly admitted to watching 8 hours of Fox while the country was freaking out about finding out that the president had knowingly let Americans suffer and die. He was watching TV. He often brags about being the hardest working president in history and then brags about watching TV all day during a national crisis. He says he hasn’t read Bob Woodward’s book because he doesn’t have time, but he has time to watch Fox all day. When a reporter asked why anybody should believe what he’s saying now since he’s lied so much about everything else Trump said that was a terrible question. When another reporter asked him what made him think that doing interviews with Bob Woodward was a good idea he said, “I gave him the interviews because I have respect and I wanted to see if anyone could write good.”
Trump is on record for saying he personally saw Muslims celebrating in the street after the towers fell 19 years ago and then bragging about having the tallest building in New York. Never forget.
Trump is blaming what he told Bob Woodward on Bob Woodward. He tweeted: Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thought they were so bad or dangerous, why didn’t he immediately report them in an effort to save lives? Didn’t he have an obligation to do so? No, because he knew they were good and proper answers. Calm, no panic!
Trump told Bob Woodward (who doesn’t have a security clearance) that we have more nukes that nobody knows about. Not even Russia.
Lou Dobbs tried to help Trump with damage control by telling his Fox News viewers that Trump had the best day ever! A Norwegian parliamentarian nominated Trump for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize! Piece of shit prize. Trump posted a meme bragging about being nominated for the Noble Peace Prize. Tea Party nut Congressman Doug Collins congratulated him on the nomination without correcting his spelling proving that they do indeed serve the king. They won’t even correct his spelling. They know how ugly the emperor looks naked but flatter him on his new clothes. And spelling.
The entire west coast is on fire. California, Oregon and Washington are experiencing record breaking fires. A record number of lives and property lost. The air is unbreathable along the entire coast. The smoke is so thick in some places that people must drive with their headlights on during the day. 500,000 people have been evacuated in Oregon and Trump hasn’t said a word. The only people he cares about in Oregon live in Portland and vote for him.
Trump held a mini MAGA rally on a tarmac in Michigan. As he got off the plane, the Vietnam rich kid anthem, “Fortunate Son” was blaring. It’s a song about a draft dodging millionaire’s son just like him. “Some folks were born, SILVER SPOON IN HAND!” The crowd didn’t get it. They were too dumb. They didn’t get it when he bragged about saving the auto industry in Michigan either.
A couple of days before Trump admitted to Bob Woodward that he knew how lethal the coronavirus was, Congressman Adam Schiff told the Senate that Trump would keep committing crimes if they didn’t convict him and he was right. He’s committing crimes every day, including mass murder. Republicans are covering his ass like Trump covered MBS’s ass. Never forget.
The Republicans are sticking together and playing dumb in the wake of Trump admitting to killing his own people. Silence. No comment. Senator John Kennedy said, “These gotcha books don’t really interest me.” Never forget.
The Republicans’ latest talking point is the coronavirus is the enemy, not us.
8 times as many New Yorkers died from the Trump Plague than did on 9/11. Trump is not only guilty of knowing how deadly the virus was, but he withdrew life saving equipment to New York City because the governor and mayor were Democrats. He let health care workers wear used masks and garbage bags held together with duct tape. Killing people because of their political beliefs is genocide. Never forget.
53 days until we get to vote.
For a copy of the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report, click here.
For a copy of the Mueller Report, click here.
For a list of attorneys giving legal analysis about the imploding Trump presidency on Twitter, click here.
For the best journalists to follow on Twitter, click here.
For straight news, check out these reliable sources on Twitter.
The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.