No Soup for You, Nazi

Spike Dolomite
4 min readJun 24, 2018

A few days after Kirstjen Nielsen got chased out of a Mexican restaurant in DC, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family got kicked out of a Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, because she works for Trump. She tweeted a self pitying tweet on her official press secretary account afterwards, saying she was denied service. No shit, no shoes, no service. She patted herself on the back by saying she respectfully left because that’s how she rolls……..she treats everybody with respect. Um, no. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is rude and condescending every day. She’s a professional liar. She’s a propagandist. That’s why she got thrown out of the Red Hen. No soup for you!

Stephanie Wilkinson is the owner of the Red Hen. The day after Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s tweet, Stephanie said, “I’m not a huge fan of confrontation. I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals.”

The whackadoodles have taken to Yelp and Facebook to give the Red Hen bad reviews which is pretty funny because the Red Hen is one of those farm to table places — ethical eating at an ethical business. Not the kind of eatery that people who eat their young frequent. There’s no chicken soup for their souls.

Joseph Goebbels was Hitler’s propaganda minister. He lied for Hitler and as a result, millions of people were killed and millions more were harmed for life. Instead of facing justice after the war, he and his wife killed themselves after killing their 6 children. Stephanie Wilkinson would have tossed him out on his ass, too. No soup for you, Nazi.

Newt Gingrich is blaming the Democrats for Sarah getting thrown out of a restaurant before ordering soup or salad. He says that the Democrats are plotting to destroy peoples’ lives who work for the president. Um, no. Sarah got 86’d from a restaurant by an ordinary citizen standing up to fascism which New Gingrich helped create.

Republican hypocrite fun fact: Let’s not forget that Newt Gingrich was having an affair with an intern (who later became his third wife and is now the ambassador to the Catholic Church) while he was leading the impeachment proceedings of Bill Clinton for having an affair with an intern. Dumbo Gumbo.

The irony is totally lost on Trump’s followers. Denying the president’s propagandist service is kind of like refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple except refusing service to an enemy of the state is not the same as humiliating two men in love.

Soup kitchens across the country need more soup but so what. Make your own damn soup, you fucking free loaders.

Because one lone business owner had the guts to stand up to fascism, Republicans are accusing Democrats of self-segregating and running their own “Democrats only” businesses. If that was true, who is making the soup and washing the dishes in the “Republicans only” restaurants?

Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi, was escorted out of a documentary screening of Mr. Rogers’ life after protesters confronted her about joining 19 other red states in overturning key protections of the Affordable Care Act such as pre-existing conditions. No more “won’t you be my neighbor” for you!

Decent Americans don’t want fascists to shop in their stores, eat at their restaurants, watch their movies, or sit in their church pews, No more respect and tolerance for you!

Not do be outdone by his infamous, self righteous, hypocritical, fake Christian daughter, former Governor Mike Huckabee and Fox News propagandist, Mike Huckabee, tweeted a photo of tattooed Latino gang members with this message: “Nancy Pelosi introduces her campaign committee for the take back of the House.”

Young White House staffers can’t get laid. No one will have anything to do with them because they work for Trump. No sex for you!

Republicans and those who work for and represent them should re-think dining out from now on. If they don’t get chased out by private citizens who are sick of their shit, someone is bound to spit in their borscht.

Hey Trump! Yes, they do serve soup in prison. Soup of the day is cup of noodles with contaminated water every day.

What? No soup for you?

Um, no.

Eat your soup, Nazi.

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ACTION ITEM FOR THE DAY: Combat the Trump trolls by supporting the Red Hen — purchase their custom made spice and crackers, and buy gift certificates for local public school teachers, fire fighters, and nurses. Click here.



Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.