Petulant Child
Trump went to the Ford plant in Michigan and refused to wear a mask, of course, even though he was told to by Ford and the Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel. He didn’t want to give the press the satisfaction of photographing him in a mask. The AG called him “a petulant child.” She went on - “He is a ridiculous person, and I am ashamed to have him be president of the United States of America. I hope that the voters of Michigan will remember this when November comes. That he didn’t care enough about their safety, he didn’t care about their welfare, he didn’t respect them enough just to engage in the very simple task, the painless task, the easy task of wearing a mask when he was provided one. I hope that we’ll have a new president soon enough who does respect people more than this president does.” She’s pissed. She doubled down on her previous threat to take action against Ford or any company or facility in Michigan that allows Trump inside without a mask. If you give in to Trump in Michigan you’re gonna get an ass whooping by the AG.
This pissed Trump off so he got back at her in a tweet: The Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel, is viciously threatening Ford Motor Company for the fact that I inspected a Ventilator plant without a mask. Not their fault, & I did put on a mask. No wonder many auto companies left Michigan, until I came along!
While inside the Ford plant, Trump made a MAGA speech where he yammered on about voter fraud, attacked the United Auto Workers union and praised Henry Ford, the inventor of the first automobile and a Nazi sympathizer who published 91 articles claiming the Jews had infected America. Hitler gave him an award. He thought Henry was a swell guy. Trump does too, because he’s an anti-semitic petulant child. He said he was impressed with Ford’s bloodline in his MAGA speech — “If you’re not familiar with Henry Ford, I would encourage you to read more about him and specifically his actions during WWII.”
Trump’s visit amounted to bad publicity for the Ford Motor Company so they made a statement: “Bill Ford encouraged President Trump to wear a mask when he arrived. He wore a mask during a private viewing of three Ford GTs from over the years. The President later removed the mask for the remainder of the visit.”
In other words, he’s a petulant child.
MAGAs were outside of the Ford plant eager to get a glimpse of Dear Leader. The unemployment rate in the state is 22%, dams are breaking and flooding the state, Flint still doesn’t have any water, and these idiots are assembled outside a Ford plant hoping to get a chance to touch the hem of the petulant child’s poopy pants.
Trump said he was voted Michigan’s “Man of the Year” AGAIN. He wasn’t. AGAIN.
Trump told the press, “I tested very positively in another sense, this morning. I tested positively toward negative, right? I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative. That’s a way of saying it: positively toward the negative.” Nobody said, “What the fuck are you talking about?” They never do which just emboldens the petulant child to throw more temper tantrums.
As more bodies pile up, he has yet to express his condolences on behalf of a grieving nation. Instead he tweeted: 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!
There are body bags with pictures of those who have died from the Trump Plague placed all around the White House. The press hasn’t covered it like they should because they’re too busy giving in to a petulant child’s demands.
Tucker Carlson told his viewers, “There is as of tonight, precisely no evidence that the lockdowns in America saved lives anywhere.” Tucker the Fucker is a petulant child. Nobody ever whooped his rich kid Swanson Foods empire heir’s ass and it shows.
About 83% of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if lockdowns were imposed on March 1. In other words, over 80,000 Americans would be alive today if the petulant child, Donald Trump, wasn’t president.
Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v Wade, confessed that her late-in-life turn as an anti-abortion spokesperson was all a big scam. She was paid by pro life groups to publicly oppose abortion rights after the Supreme Court case. There is a documentary coming out today where she makes a death bed confession admitting that it was “all an act… I took their money and they took me out in front of the cameras and told me what to say.”
Another thread in the Republican 40 year con against the American people tapestry gets pulled.
Trump was the likely outcome of the Republicans conning the country for 40 years and now they just let him run wild, destroying everything he sees, throwing fits, making huge messes. He’s totally out of control. He’s a petulant child.
Not a peep from the Republicans.
“I’m not sure there’s even a point in noting GOP hypocrisy. They don’t care. There’s no debate left to have. No one is going to stop him as a matter either of principle or law. I wonder if GOP lawmakers are just hunkered down and betting — even hoping — that he loses.” — Tom Nichols
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