Poisonous Snakes
Alexei Navalny, Putin’s #1 political rival, has been poisoned and is in a coma. Countries around the world have denounced it but not Trump. He’s never denounced Putin for anything so why start now. Besides, everybody knows that he’d poison his rivals if he knew he could get away with it. Vote for him and he just might.
Louis DeJoy, the billionaire slimy snake mega GOP donor who Trump put in charge of the postal service to help him rig the election, testified before a Senate committee yesterday and was gently tossed “thank you sir for donating to my campaign” softballs by the Republicans who hissed about the good job he’s doing during a pandemic while hinting that they’d go along with saying that the election was rigged if Trump loses. Slithering snakes. At the same time that DeJoy was lying to the committee, top dogs at the USPS did what they were told and emailed managers to tell them not to reconnect mail sorting machines. They told employees not to talk to the press. And then they told Americans in a meme: If all Americans vote by mail this year, 330 million ballots over the course of the election would be only 75% of what we deliver in one single day.
“When you control the mail, you control information.” — Newman
Louis DeJoy started on June 15. The USPS won’t say how their board of governors chose him but Steve Mnuchin was involved. One month later he stopped overtime and the mail started piling up. Sorting machines and mailboxes have been removed and they won’t be replaced.
David Williams, a former USPS inspector general who resigned as vice chairman of its board of governors, said he stepped down from his role because he felt the Treasury Department was trying to make the traditionally apolitical agency a “political tool.”
A postal workers’ union leader in San Antonio said yesterday that they were told to hide evidence of problems when a congressman visited a facility last week.
Louis DeJoy and his wife Aldona Wos own up to $76 million in assets of USPS competitors. If he can destroy the USPS Trump and the Republicans can win elections and he can buy another mansion and more of the government.
Republican senators went easy on DeJoy because he owns them and they’re in on it. They can’t win re-election without his help — his money, and his power to dismantle the US postal system. He has to go before the House committee on Monday. Katie Porter will get to question him. The postman won’t be ringing twice for she will shove his shriveled, gold plated balls down his mega donor billionaire Republican throat.
DeJoy hasn’t given any money to Martha McSally. We know this because she’s asking people to send her their lunch money. She actually said, on camera, that Republicans in Arizona should forgo a meal so they could send her campaign some cash.
Trump threw a funeral for his brother at the White House so he could slither down the White House steps with bagpipes playing on TV so people would feel sorry for him. After it was over funeral goers went out to eat at a local DC restaurant. One of them got pissed about their social distance policy and punched their server in the face and broke his nose.
Meanwhile, King Cobra Rush Limbaugh said on his venomous show, “We’re supposed to feel sorry for Biden” because his wife and children died.
Snakes have no backbone.
2 hurricanes are headed to the Gulf at the same time and California is on fire again — More than 500 wildfires have burned 771,000 acres, displacing thousands from their homes, polluting the air and killing at least half a dozen people. Trump’s response? “You gotta clean your floors…..Maybe we’re just gonna have to make them pay for it, because they don’t listen to us.”
Miles Taylor, a former Trump Department of Homeland Security official, is spilling the beans and voting for Biden. He wrote an op-ed and is doing a lot of interviews exposing Trump and the administration for using their power to get more power. He said that Trump withheld FEMA support for California during the last fires because California “isn’t his base.” Miles is a Republican. He says he saw and heard things that should scare the crap out of all of us. Before he left he was told to “dig up dirt” on Joe Biden.
Snake charmer Trump used to get his MAGA cult followers worked up into a frothy frenzy when he’d read “The Snake” to demonize immigrants when he campaigned the first time. Now he gets to declare, “I am the snake! I warned you not to take me in and here I am!” on tarmacs. They’ll take him in again. They bought enough snake oil to poison themselves for the rest of their lives. The rest of us need to vote against The Snake in numbers too huge to dispute.
Trump says he’s going to send his cops into polling places on Election Day to punch people in the nose and poison democracy.
73 more days.
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