Quit Picking on Me
Trump won’t be going to the White House correspondents’ dinner again this year because he doesn’t have a sense of humor and he can’t stand people making fun of him. He says it’s too boring and negative. He’s going to do a MAGA rally instead.
Trump appointed a tax attorney as IRS commissioner who wrote an opinion piece arguing that Trump should not release his returns. Trump asked Mitch McConnell to confirm his IRS counsel before anything else, even before getting Barr approved. Then he told the IRS not to release his taxes. He’s more freaked out that the IRS will blow his cover and tell the world that he’s not rich than he is of being hung for treason. Don’t mess with his image. I brand, therefore I am.
Trump did a photo op at the border at Calexico before heading up to his $150,000 a plate fundraiser at a health care executive’s mansion in Beverly Hills. He was greeted by Border Patrol and local law enforcement, but Trump himself didn’t wear any body armor. Why not? We’re in a national emergency and the illegals are pouring over the border by the millions to kill us and he’s not even wearing any body armor? That’s suspicious.
Before heading off to his Hollywood fundraiser, he popped into his California golf club to dine with his son Eric, Rancho Palos Verdes city council members, and Orange County MAGAs. Everybody had to pay him for their meal. King Trump needs to be fed.
Trump called on Congress to “get rid of the whole asylum system” because “it doesn’t work.” While we’re at it, “frankly, we should get rid of judges.”
Trump has no idea what’s going on, what’s what, or who’s who — “We’ve had some very bad court decisions. The Flores decision is a disaster, I have to tell you. Judge Flores, whoever you may be, that decision is a disaster for our country.” Flores was a 15 year old girl from El Salvador, not a judge, you fucking idiot. Her case, Flores v. Reno (1993,) determined a moral and ethical standard for how migrant children will be treated in US custody, a standard that has been broken with Trump caging and orphaning children.
“If they’d leave this putz alone for about half an hour, in a kitchen that hasn’t been childproofed, the problem would take care of itself. Just ask him to make toast and then walk away. He’d probably drown himself in the dishwasher.” — Some guy on Twitter
Michael Cohen says he just found 14 million files on a hard drive and would like to negotiate a shorter jail sentence. Some of those files are recordings of Donald J. Voldemort of the Slytherin White House.
Michael Cohen says the GOP took illegal donations from China.
Maxine Waters says Trump is an expert criminal.
Three black churches have been burned down within 10 days in a single parish in Louisiana.
Let them Eat Cake Wall Street Criminal Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sold his film production company to his wife, Louise Linton. This is what the one percenters call “divesting.”
Trump is already writing his memoir — a tell all book wherein he will get his revenge on everybody that wasn’t loyal to him — Democrats, law enforcement, people in his own administration. He’s warning everybody right now……..be loyal or you’ll regret it. I’ll write something mean about you in my book that nobody will read.
Quit picking on me.
“Our Founding Fathers created a document to protect us against a king. They never could have anticipated anyone as self dealing and corrupt as Trump. We are being tested. We need to see his taxes. We need to see the Report. We need to know if America is in the hands of a mad king.” — Rob Reiner
The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.