Republicans are Sadistic Sickos
Governor Gavin Newsom of California has ceased business ties with Walgreens for pulling abortion pills in 20 states.
In Louisiana, the government tried to force Nancy Davis to carry her fetus to term even though there was no brain or skull. She was double traumatized. First by learning that the baby she wanted was severely deformed and wouldn’t survive, and second by being told that she had no choice to put an end to both her and her baby’s suffering. So she went to New York to get an abortion. She decided to use her story to try and help other women in Louisiana so she got a lawyer, high profile civil rights attorney Ben Crump. He says the state of Louisiana put his client in a “horrifically cruel” position. He said it’s a civil rights issue in that Black women in Louisiana have the highest maternal mortality rates in the country. He contends that the abortion issue is an issue of involuntary servitude. He wants Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards to call a special session to clarify the medical exemptions so that doctors, like Nancy Davis’s doctor, don’t have to fear giving their patients proper medical care because of an ambiguous clause in the anti-abortion law that says a doctor can perform an abortion out of medical necessity, so that other women in Louisiana aren’t faced with the same trauma and can go ahead and get appropriate and necessary treatment, and doctors don’t have to fear going to jail.
The 16 year old orphan in Florida who was denied an abortion because the courts said she was too immature to make such a decision back in August must have given birth by now. Florida thinks she is mature enough to be a mother but not have an abortion.
By outlawing abortion Republicans have proven that they regard women as chattel, just like slaveowners did not so long ago. There came a point when capitalists no longer needed to spend money on excursions to Africa to kidnap human beings and bring them to America to treat them like animals, torturing them and forcing them to work for free for the rest of their lives. They raped female slaves instead to produce more free labor. Slave owners kept women pregnant to build their wealth. Women were forced to breed for profit.
Forced childbirth was, and is, involuntary servitude.
Republicans are sadistic sickos. Abortion is about punishing women and politics, it’s not about right to life, innocent children, God’s will. It’s not about unwanted children, teen pregnancy, poverty, maternal deaths, or violence against women and girls. 1 in 9 girls suffer sexual abuse. 3 out of 10 teen girls get pregnant. In some states Republicans have fixed it so that girls will have to drop out of school to have babies which means they’ll be stuck in poverty for the rest of their lives. Why do this? Do Republicans get off on this?
Here’s a new one — 38 year old Texas attorney Mason Herring got caught spiking his wife’s drinks with abortion drugs. She ended up in the ER and he got charged with 2 felony counts — assaulting a pregnant person and assault force induction to have an abortion. This guy tried to abort his fetus without the host’s knowledge.
Another unforeseen consequence of making abortion a crime — if a woman ends up in the hospital because her husband drugged her to force a miscarriage and the doctor can’t stop the bleeding, can the doctor perform the necessary surgery to save her life or does he let her bleed to death in agony, watching her slowly be murdered by her own husband?
A woman in Texas was arrested for killing her three children, including 5 year old twins. A Child Protective Services caseworker had visited the home and ordered that the children be removed but they couldn’t be saved. This will happen a lot more often now that Texas is forcing every women to carry a pregnancy to term whether she’s capable of taking care of a baby or not. Texas is forcing addicts and insane women to be mothers.
Republican hypcorite fun fact: All this “right to life” hysteria when their God performed a late term abortion on his own son. Sickos.
In other news, another train derailed in Ohio, (the company’s third since early February), the Republican legislature in Georgia is fast tracking a bill that will allow them to fire district attorney Fani Willis who is about to indict some of them for being part of the scheme to keep Trump in power, Trump says if he’s indicted there is no way he’d drop out of the race because he thinks being indicted could only help his poll numbers, and Tucker Carlson has started using the Capitol security footage of January 6 to rewrite everything in the Republican sadistic sickos favor.