Special Boy

Spike Dolomite
4 min readJun 30, 2018

Trump’s swamp just got thicker and sludgier. Now he’s sitting and swimming in his own shit.

Justice Kennedy could be a swamp thing too. A supreme court justice has swamp on his face.

Turns out Justice Kennedy’s son, Justin, gave Trump money when he worked for Deutsche Bank. Hold it! Say what! Who the fuck would loan anyone $1 billion after going bankrupt six times, who is notorious for not paying his bills, and during the middle of the Great Recession to? A swamp thing would.

Trump is quite fond of Justice Kennedy’s’ son. At Trump’s first inaugural address, he made sure to pause and tell Justice Kennedy to say hello to “his boy” for he his is a “special guy.” Special boy.

Trump has been praising Kennedy for months, assuring him that his legacy would be in good hands if he stepped down now.

Justices don’t normally announce they’re retiring so soon. Trump asked him to step down now.

Step down now or what? We’ll hurt your special boy?

Justice Kennedy’s special boy was one of the few bankers who predicted the 2007/08 mortgage bubble burst. He made a shit load of money for Deutsche Bank by shorting mortgages starting in 2006.

Right after the inauguration, New York State busted Deutsche Bank for money laundering. That didn’t hurt Justice Kennedy’s special boy, though. He left Deutsche Bank and formed his own LLC, LNR Property, and became a big shot special boy in commercial real estate.

This is what rich white men do all the time. Ordinary white, brown, black, yellow, red, and rainbow people don’t know how to do any of this stuff. They’re too busy plugging up holes in their own leaky boats so they can simply feed their families. Rich white swamp things hire “other” people to feed their families — usually undocumented brown people because they’re the cheapest. And then they yell at them and try to get them deported.

Mueller wants another 60 days to take Mike Flynn to trial which is giving a very stressed out country chest pains but chill out America, this is a strategy. It’s called, “make the swamp thing squirm.” Mueller is draining the swamp all around Flynn so he’ll gasp for swamp and be more cooperative. A swamp thing out of swamp water is a desperate, pathetic sight.

Wilbur Ross, Trump’s commerce secretary, presided over a deal with a Russian businessman with ties to Vladimir Putin while he was vice-chairman of the Bank of Cyprus, which funnels money to Deutsche Bank. Wilbur is holding his breath, sitting at the bottom of the swamp, hoping justice will pass him by.

Republican hypocrite fun fact: Marco Rubio wants all of us to get a grip and stop throwing f-bombs around like it’s not a bad word. Marco…Rubio!……Marco!…..Rubio! FUCK YOU!

The Republicans are sweating swamp water. Buckets. Trump really should call for make up when his swamp water carriers appear on camera. Their shiny faces distract from the swamp shit that comes out of their mouths. They are in a panic so they’re attacking all moving targets. They wouldn’t be ramping up like this if there wasn’t something about to drop.

There is breaking news on Russia every day now. The swamp is nothing compared to what is happening to the free world. Trump and Russia are working together to destroy democracy and the west.

US intelligence agencies believe that North Korea is increasing its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at various secret sites. Trump is still waiting for his Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Korean War, stopping North Korea’s nuclear arsenal program and bringing peace to the world.

The US media just started reporting that Trump wants to withdraw the US from the World Trade Organization. Russia’s state TV reported this ten days ago. How did they know? Did the White House leak it to Russia?

It’s the last day of Pride Month and for the second year in a row, the White House broke with tradition and didn’t make an official presidential proclamation because fuck the LGBTQ community.


Fuck you, special boy.

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.