Story Time

Spike Dolomite
4 min read3 days ago


Judge Tanya Chutkan unsealed Jack Smith’s 165 page immunity brief that outlines the whole story against Trump and his attempt to overthrow the government on January 6. There are minimal redactions. Now everybody will learn about the evidence Jack Smith has against Trump. We may not have gotten a trial before the election but voters will be privy to plenty of evidence. This is a very, very bad ending to the Trump story and one that wasn’t part of the original draft.

The vice presidential debate was a bit of a snoozer. Vance went for a softer look for the ladies by going easy on the eyeliner and wearing a pink tie and pink lipstick instead. He and the Republican party keep stepping in shit insofar as women are concerned. Not only are they blowing off women and everybody who is against the government regulating abortion by drilling down even further and harder on it, but now they’re going after childless women, declaring them unnatural and unnecessary for society to function and they’re going after Kamala Harris in particular because she’s never had a baby and she wants to be president. How dare she! Republican governor of Arkansas, who is the daughter of the previous governor of Arkansas, who was once Trump’s former press secretary said recently, “So my kids keep me humble. Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn’t have anything keeping her humble.” What did the white southern beastly hick of a woman who has had everything handed to her her entire life mean by that? What’s the story here? Is she accusing an accomplished Black woman, who has worked hard for everything she has ever achieved her entire life, who has been working in the criminal justice system for decades, of not being humble enough? She’s Black. She’s female. And she doesn’t know her place.

Republican women going after other women about who is woman enough is revolting. Women voting Republican is even more revolting. White women voting against their own best interest is the only bedtime story Republican husbands have let their wives read since women won the right to vote in 1919 with the 19th amendment. Why they squander that right is as mysterious as anyone exercising their right to vote to vote for Trump.

A new video from JD Vance’s past has come back to haunt him. It’s about women. He said women “who can’t have kids” because they “passed the biological period when it was possible” as miserable people who have no real value system and struggle to find meaning. In other words, infertile, childless and menopausal women are useless to the society that Republicans want to build.

During the debate, JD Vance claimed that Trump “saved” the Affordable Care Act. He screwed up while talking about Israel by saying, “It is up to Israel what they think they need to do to keep our country safe.” Vance thought he’d beat Tim Walz to the weird word by calling climate change caused by carbon emissions “weird science.” Vance tried to take control of the Haitian immigrants story by re-directing the topic but the moderators wouldn’t have it. “Just to clarify, Springfield’s Haitian migrants have legal status.” This upset Vance and he called them out for fact checking. The rules were you guys weren’t going to fact check.

Trump bowed out of a 60 Minutes interview after finding out that they were going to fact check him live.

More than 45,000 US dock workers are on strike. This is the first time since 1977. The International Longshoremen’s Association union, which represents 45,000 port workers want a 77% increase in pay over six years and better benefits. The strike will shut down 36 ports from Maine to Texas, affecting about half the country’s shipping which could cost the US economy about $5 billion a day. Biden is not going to insist that strikers get back to work, because he supports collective bargaining. He reminded everybody that ocean carriers have made record profits since the pandemic (sometimes as much as 800% over pre-pandemic levels) and that executive compensation and shareholder have gotten very rich from those profits. “It’s only fair that workers, who put themselves at risk during the pandemic to keep ports open, see a meaningful increase in their wages as well,” Biden said.

Trump made some real whopper stories up for his groupies in Wisconsin. He accused Kamala Harris of murder and then claimed that she has a phone app which allows her to communicate with the heads of cartels so they know where to drop undocumented immigrants off. He also claimed that his old pal Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea is trying to kill him.

Speaking of murder, a 6 year old in Tamarac, Florida got ahold of a gun and shot and murdered himself by accident because guns are lying around everywhere in America. Guns Trump Children is an American story.

Somebody else tried to kill Trump while he was golfing at his club at West Palm Beach a couple of weeks ago. He had an AK-47. The Secret Service caught him and nobody is talking about it. It’s an old story by now.

Trump thought two assassination attempts would be good for his campaign but they’re just more stories.

34 days until we can write the end of the story (er, nightmare.)



Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.