The Rise of Twitler
Trump created a 1776 Commission to promote “patriotic education” with a white supremacy pro-American curriculum that celebrates the “truth” about our nation’s great history. Hitler did that too with Hitler Youth, a Nazi mentorship program that taught kids about the Aryan master race and how Hitler was the greatest leader in the world and Germany was the greatest country in the world. Messing with kids’ heads is like kneading dough that rises into monsters.
Trump held a special meeting in the Oval Office with the new head of his legal team to overthrow the election, Sidney Powell, and disgraced seditious general and convicted felon Mike Flynn to talk about deploying the military within the next month and voiding the presidential election. Flynn has called for martial law. That’s something Hitler would do.
Over the past 4 years, Trump has risen to do a lot of things that Hitler would do, or did. Among them are: Big cult of personality rallies with camera crews. They were both successful at conning their cult followers into believing that they were one of them when they were in fact nowhere close to being one of them. They were both once seen as dismissed fringe weirdos that nobody took seriously and then climbed their way up to demagoguery by perfecting artificial grandiose personas and lulling the masses into subservience. People trusted both monsters with abandon. They both loved making speeches and being adored by giant crowds but loathed the very people they dominated and wouldn’t have anything to do with them. Their powers of rhetoric created a massive following for both. It took them each about 10 years to perfect their bigger than life images aided by film footage to study themselves and improve their acting skills. They were both imposters — performers that had everybody conned. Their audiences were all white. Both men held frequent rallies and knew that their rallies turned off rational thinking for those in attendance and thus they were able to get people to do and believe anything. Hitler was a failed artist and wanted to be accepted by high society but was rejected. Trump was a failed businessman who wanted to be accepted by high society but was rejected. Hitler wanted to be an architect and said he would have been the greatest architect in Germany. Trump used architects to build giant buildings in his honor and said he knows more about everything than anybody in the world. People’s lives meant nothing to either one of them. They both killed people and put people in concentration camps and felt NOTHING. Both had weird hair trademarks — Hitler had his electrical tape style mustache and Trump has his rat’s nest hair piece. Hitler carried a whip. Trump wore a red hat. Neither one of them ever had a real job. Both attempted coups to overthrow the governments and Hitler went to jail for it. While sitting in jail he wrote, “Mein Kampf.” That may be one of the only books Trump has ever read. Hitler burned books, Trump never reads them. Both are masters of propaganda and accusing the accusers of doing the exact same things they were guilty of. They both practiced telling the same lie over and over until people believe it. Both were self proclaimed martyrs. Both sold branded merchandise with their faces and slogans on them. Both broke treaties and agreements with other countries. Both persecuted minorities and scapegoated “others.” Both were filled with hate. Both were white nationalists and leaders of a cult of death. Hitler had Mussolini. Trump had Putin. Both proclaimed they had won after they lost. Nazis were scared of both of them. Hitler had “My New Order” and Trump had “Make America Great Again.”
There aren’t many differences between Hitler and Twitler. Trump has access to more technology to manipulate and control the masses. Hitler inherited a tanking economy. Trump inherited a good economy and then tanked it. Hitler served in the military and Trump famously did not. Hitler had a political background and real experience and Trump was a complete novice. Hitler had military parades in his honor and Trump managed to blow a ton of money on a big Fourth of July celebration in his honor but it rained. Hitler wanted world domination. Trump doesn’t want world domination. He’s too lazy. He just wants to stay in power so he doesn’t have to go to jail. Hitler was a military leader and Trump is a lonely 9 year old kid who likes to play war.
If Trump isn’t prosecuted it will be another attack on America. This has got to be the end of white supremacy in America. It can no longer be true that you can be white, rich, male, straight, and the worst person in the world and still become president of the United States so you can steal, cheat, commit crimes against humanity and mass murder and not suffer any consequences. Trump must face swift justice or another Trump will rise, only smarter like Hitler. Mussolini was killed by the Italian people and hung by his feet in the street. Saddam Hessian was found hiding in a hole in the ground and then sentenced to death by hanging. Hitler shot himself in a bunker. Trump better not get to spend the rest of his days at Mar-a-Lago. He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail, bald, all alone and forgotten, without Twitter or TV.
Hitler was tried for treason.
31 days until Twitler can be tried for treason.
For a copy of the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report, click here.
For a copy of the Mueller Report, click here.
For a list of attorneys giving legal analysis about the imploding Trump presidency on Twitter, click here.
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The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.