Topsy Turvy Tampion
Trump accused the UK and Australia of spying on him and has demanded that Barr investigate.
A 6th migrant child is now known to have died in US custody — a 10 year old El Salvadoran girl. It happened a year ago but was never reported.
School shootings are just part of American culture. It’s the price kids pay for gun nuts’ freedom.
21 kids get shot every day either because some other kid finds a gun lying around the house and gets curious and shoots it, hitting a sibling or friend (there’s an actual term for it — it’s called “family fire”) or by being murdered, or by suicide using their parent’s gun. 4 out of the 21 kids who get shot die. It’s the price kids pay for their parents having a gun in the house for protection.
We kill children in America. They’re not safe at home, school, or with their own parents who have carried them thousands of miles to the land of the free.
We have an entire generation of kids graduating from high school this month who have never known a time when America wasn’t at war. Active shooter drills are just part of going to school, like going to recess, lunch or getting to go to the library (if the school actually has a library.)
Veterans are living on the streets. Entire families are living on the streets. The mentally ill are living on the streets. MAGAs blame people living on the streets for their “choice.” They step over them, yell at them and bitch about what the world is coming to on social media.
22 vets kill themselves every day.
A rape victim who gets pregnant in Alabama can get more time in jail than the man who raped her.
Trump doesn’t want Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. He wants to put her on the $2 bill so nobody will see her.
Trump said his approval rating would be 75 if it wasn’t for the media.
The president of the United States makes policy based on how many Twitter likes he gets.
The president of the United States made a shit ton of money off of signing a tax bill that makes it legal for rich people to not pay taxes.
MAGA florists fear lesbians more than they do climate change.
Everybody in the country has seen the First Lady naked. If they haven’t, all of they have to do is Google, “Naked Melania.”
Machine Gun Barbie, Dana Loesch, told Jews to arm themselves NOW because the anti-Semites are coming. They watch her show on NRA TV.
The anti-Muslim president sold arms to a Muslim country that bombed us 18 years ago and butchered an American resident journalist while he was still alive because he criticized Saudi Arabia and Trump.
Rich white men blow off subpoenas from Congress and don’t even get a slap on the wrist.
Somebody paid off the most recently seated Supreme Court justice’s $200,000 credit card balance, $100,000 country club tab and $1.2 Million mortgage. Brett Kavanaugh was bought by the Republicans.
The head of the IRS makes $1 million off of the Trump branded properties he owns.
Trump had never had an actual job before Russia made him president. He needs this job. As long as he’s killing time (and children) in the White House, he can’t be arrested.
The Democrats are trying to fix all of this with one hand tied behind their back (the Senate.)
Trump is a corrupt, cruel criminal. The Republicans are complicit.
The intellectually lazy say both parties are the same.
We’re living in a Topsy Turvy Tampion stuffed in the butt of the one man with the power to blow up the entire world.
The intellectually alert live in a state of 24/7 high anxiety afraid that he’ll pull the plug and blow at any minute.
For a copy of the Mueller Report, click here.
For a list of attorneys giving legal analysis about the imploding Trump presidency on Twitter, click here.
For the best journalists to follow on Twitter, click here.
For straight news, check out these reliable sources on Twitter.
The Daily Crime Reports are being published as “quarterly reports” (three month groups) as part of “The Treason Chronicles” on Amazon for Kindle. To purchase one or more quarters, click here.