Trump Plague
Trump is making everything worse and freaking people out even more when he goes on TV every day to play the big shot. His lying, bragging, and scapegoating is too much to endure on top of what people are already dealing with and the fear of the unknown. What’s new with the Trump Plague? He considers himself to be a “war-time president.” He says it’s not racist to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus. He lied and said he ordered 500 million n95 masks, and he’s giving himself credit for saving thousands of lives. The coronavirus “snuck up on us. a very unforeseen thing…….it was nobody’s fault. Some people could say it was somebody’s fault, actually but it was nobody’s fault……….We have very great approval numbers………people like the job I’m doing.”
When confronted about the wealthy, powerful and famous cutting in line to get tested before people who are actually showing symptoms he said, “Perhaps that’s been the story of life.”
It’s not the story of life everywhere, but it’s definitely the story of life in America. People waiting in line are sick of it. The Trump Plague could be the end of the line and the end of the story which wouldn’t be a bad thing just so long as we all survive it.
“A transcript of the president’s comments right now is going to read like a drug-fueled, stream-of-consciousness novel from a third-tier Beat Poet.” — Kevin M. Kruse
When Republican Senator John Cornyn was asked to explain why the Republicans are referring to the coronavirus as the Chinese Virus he said, “China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people and that’s why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu.”
Republican Senator Ron Johnson doesn’t think the pandemic is that big of a deal. He said, “Getting coronavirus is not a death sentence except for maybe no more than 3.4 percent of our population…probably far less. We don’t shut down our economy because tens of thousands of people die on the highways.”
There are 535 members in Congress. If 20% of them test positive, that means that 4 members of Congress could die. 2 members have already tested positive.
If the federal government doesn’t get its shit together to slow the spread of the Trump Plague and suppress new cases, 2.2 million people in the US could die.
We’ve moved into the phase where people who are infected have gone from people you hear about in the news to knowing people who know people who have it. Next we’ll all know someone who has it or we’ll be the ones who have it.
In New Jersey, 7 members in one family got it and 3 died. The last one was the matriarch of the family and she died not knowing that 2 of her children had died. The other 4 remain hospitalized, 3 are in critical condition.
A woman from Boston was so desperate to get tested, having been exposed to the virus at a Biogen conference where people had it, that she boarded a flight to China, loaded up on fever-reducing meds, so she could get tested in China. The test came back positive and now she faces up to 7 years in prison for doing that.
6 degrees of separation Kevin Bacon started a hashtag, #istayhomefor, and is asking everybody to post a selfie of themselves with a sign saying who they are staying home for to show that there is 6 degrees of separation between all of us and if we stay home we can save lives.
Hospital workers in the world’s richest economy are having to make medical gear out of office supplies. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar says it’s not the responsibility of the federal government to ensure that localities and states have enough swabs and face masks. We don’t have enough hospital beds or ventilation equipment to handle what’s coming. Our for profit health care system is on the verge of collapse.
Trump says none of this is his fault. It is his fault. And it’s the fault of the Republicans for creating the conditions for Trump to rise to power in the first place and then using their power to keep him in power. Now they are asking everyone to stop criticizing Trump, stop the blame game, and “unite.” Do they really think it’s possible for us to “unite” after being lied to for 3 years by them and Trump, and after Trump has successfully divided the country into those who are loyal to him and those who are not?
China Virus my ass. It’s the Trump Plague. The Republicans had it and then gave it to us.
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