Two Birds and One’s Stone

Spike Dolomite
4 min readJan 25, 2019

Roger Stone was arrested before dawn this morning. Tweet tweet!

Paul Manafort is scheduled to appear in court today to face allegations that he lied to Mueller. Tweet tweet tweety tweet tweet!

The Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaed Michael Cohen.

Hillary Clinton was not arrested by the FBI this morning.

The Republicans in the Senate voted to keep the government closed.

81 year old Wilbur Ross, Trump’s Commerce Secretary, is worth $700 million. He doesn’t understand why federal workers are standing in line at food pantries. They should just get a loan. What are they complaining about? This is a free vacation! Wilbur walks around the West Wing in custom made velvet loafers with the Commerce Department seal embroidered on them.

Trump’s economics talking head and former Fox News talking head, Larry Kudlow, said that federal workers are “volunteering” by working without pay. They’re doing it out of respect for the presidency and Trump. Larry Kudlow is worth $25 million.

Many people say they want this shutdown. Many people is Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.

Trump says federal workers don’t need to stand in food pantry lines. Grocery stores will give them free groceries during the shutdown. Trump thinks the Safeway is Deutsch Bank.

Trump rambled on and on again on camera, “Things are going terribly for Democrats. Everyone is re-registering as Republicans. I’m doing great. Sniff sniff. Democrats are breaking ranks. Sniff sniff. Walls are good walls are good. I want a down payment on the wall and $7 billion. Sniff. We stopped the first caravan but if we didn’t have a wall in those areas, it would’ve been very hard but if we had a wall we wouldn’t have that problem. Sniff sniff.”

The wall stopped the caravan but we need a wall to stop the caravan.

The White House is preparing a draft proclamation for Trump to declare a national emergency along the southern border. He had 2 years with a Republican congress to sign off on a tax payer funded wall. Why now?

Jared Kushner’s application for a top secret clearance was rejected by 2 career White House security specialists after an FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him but he still got to sit in on top secret briefings because the president is his father in law, plus he’s a mob boss and Jared married the mob. Actually, to mobs married each other.

Some billionaire has purchased a Central Park penthouse apartment for $238 million — the most anyone has ever paid for a home in the United States. The rich in the 1930s were as rich as the rich are now before the Great Depression. Then FDR saved the country with democratic socialism.

Republican hypocrite fun fact: Kellyanne Conway made Anderson Cooper’s Ridiculist by talking over reporters who asked her about the wall. I never called it a wall. Why, did you call it a wall? Who is calling it a wall? You’re calling it a wall? I didn’t say it was a wall. Did I ever say a wall? I don’t think I ever said a wall.

A wall is a wall is a wall.

“We have to stop thinking of the symbology of Trump’s presidency — the MAGA hats, the wall, etc — as merely physical objects. They have long since lost their original meaning and purpose. They are now emblems. They are now the new iconography of white supremacy.” — Charles M. Blow

“We are basically the skin cancerous mole of the earth right now” — Pat Simons

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.