What Would Trump Do?
Well well well well well….Lev Parnas, one of Rudy Giuliani’s two “associates” arrested at the airport for trying to flee the country the day before he was supposed to testify to Congress, has agreed to testify that Devin Nunes went to Vienna last year to meet with a former Ukrainian prosecutor to discuss creating dirt on Joe Biden so Trump could kill Joe’s chances of beating him in 2020. At the same time that that news broke, Devin Nunes tweeted out an article by the far right The Federalist on how the Republicans won the first phase of impeachment, just like Trump would do.
Devin Nunes is suing CNN and the Daily Beast for reporting what he did because that’s what Trump would do.
Devin Nunes is now a fact witness and should be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and called to testify.
US Senator from Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn, tweeted: Vindictive Vindman is the “whistleblower’s” handler.
A sitting US senator and a member of both the Armed Services Committee and the Veterans Affairs Committee took a shot at a decorated war veteran on Twitter, just like Trump would do.
Speaking of horrible Republican women, New York congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, went on Sean Hannity’s show to say she was being attacked by the Hollywood left and that she needs people to donate to her campaign, just like Trump would do. In 2 hours she raised $500,000.
Netanyahu wants to investigate the investigators, just like Trump is doing.
US senators were briefed this fall on Russian operatives’ efforts to blame Ukraine for hacking the 2016 election. Now they’re repeating Putin’s talking points, just like Trump does.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo never stood up for Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, or Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, or anybody else for that matter because that’s what Trump would do.
We now have a paper trail that shows that Mike Pompeo had several phone calls with Rudy Giuliani weeks before Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was fired. They’re freaking out now. What do we do? What do we do? What would Trump do? Tweet and go on Fox News. That’s what Trump would do.
All of the Republicans want to destroy the whistleblower, just like Trump does. If it weren’t for the whistleblower, Joe Biden’s name could have been smeared by a foreign government on national TV and people would never know why. It never mattered to Trump if people wanted proof, all he needed was to place some doubt in some voters’ minds to beat him. That was the plan. And the Republicans stood ready to help because that’s what Trump would want them to do.
“The GOP have gone to Orwellian lengths to convince us that black is white, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, Russia is Ukraine, Hunter Biden is Don Junior, and so on. It is exhausting, keeping track of the avalanche of lies.” — Greg Olear
Jimmy Kimmel summarized the 2 weeks of open hearings, 30 hours and 12 witnesses on his show in 2 minutes and asked the ultimate question for 2020 — “Are you a Republican or are you an American?”
The Republicans have sold themselves and the country out to prop up a morally bankrupt con man because they’re using Trump’s presidency just as much as Trump is. They’re doing exactly what Trump is doing — sticking it to America for power and money, plus they’re being blackmailed.
Trump said he “strongly” considered testifying for the impeachment inquiry. That would have been the best finale to The Reality TV President show ever. The episode could have been called, “What Would Trump Do?”
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