What’s in a Name

Spike Dolomite
4 min readFeb 1, 2019


Trump was seen in the White House for the first time in 6 days after he agreed to allow cameras in the room while he signed an executive order. He used the opportunity to say a bunch of crap that he’s already said before about how he’s the greatest president ever and his administration is doing tremendous things. It’s an advertising trick. If consumers hear the same thing often enough, they’ll buy it. Name it. Claim it. Say it. Repeat it. Believe it.

“Watching Donald Trump pretend to have a handle on ISIS, Afghanistan and North Korea is like watching a juggler throw three balls in the air and then just stand there confidently as they all bounce off his head” — Jeff Tiedrich

The Trump administration is expected to announce that it’s formally withdrawing from a treaty with Russia that says we can’t call each other names and then blow each other up with nuclear weapons.

Melania Trump can’t tell everything she knows about Trump because of spousal privilege. Not hers, his. If he says he doesn’t want her to testify against him she can’t testify against him. He owns the privilege of “sanctity of marriage.” Every married bad guy does, but in Trump’s case, it’s marriage in name only, just like his stupid buildings.

There was a major drug bust at the Arizona border. A massive seizure of fentanyl was made at a legal point of entry. Dogs sniffed it out. Trump gave credit for the bust to the wrong agency in a tweet. He thanked the US Border Patrol. It was the Customs Border Patrol. Not the same thing. But he wouldn’t know that because he doesn’t know anything. He’s a president in name only.

Last night Trump tweeted out that Junior did talk to someone after the infamous Trump Tower meeting but it wasn’t him, throwing his first born son under the pus. Junior is going to need lots and lots of therapy after he gets out of jail. Why does he need the approval of a festering, oozing, infected sore when the sore is a dad in name only?

It’s Black History Month. Poet and writer Langston Hughes was born on this day, February 1, 1902. Langston was a major voice in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s. He wrote about black American life in poems, stories, and autobiographies.

“I swear to the Lord, I still can’t see, why Democracy means, everybody but me” — Langston Hughes

Measles are back! Thanks, anti-vaxxers! Anti-vaxxers…..another name for idiots.

It’s Indictment Friday! Who’s next? What’s his name? WHAT’S HIS NAME?

The Republicans threw out abortion yesterday and Trump will name it in his SOTU speech — the last gasps of a whimpering dying party. When all else fails — give the base abortion!

Another extraordinary Democratic candidate has thrown his name in the hat. Cory Booker is running for president. This is going to be the most diverse presidential primary race in history. Thanks Democrats!

The House has announced it will hold the first hearing on gun legislation in 8 years. They will be talking about a universal background check bill next Wednesday. Finally, the name of the debate will be changed from Second Amendment Rights to Run Away Gun Violence. Thanks Democrats!

A right wing radio host, James “Doc” Greene Sr, was banned from entering the Houston Library because he’s a menacing MAGA hat wearing nut. He was arrested for showing up at the library during Drag Queen Storytime with his gun. He was there to protest, violating a no trespassing order.

House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff and Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters are investigating Trump’s business with Deutsche Bank. When Maxine was asked if the House was heading towards impeachment, she replied “ABSOLUTELY.”

What’s in a name? Well, if the name is Trump, the name won’t have much left to it after it is stripped from sky scrapers, crappy products, the White House, bank accounts, deeds, deals, and Putin’s puppet list. Except history, Trump’s name will be forever remembered as the grifter, traitor crime family that nearly destroyed America. “Trump” will go on to represent the darkest side of America — run away capitalism, racism, sexism, consumerism, homophobia, xenophobia, greed, apathy, and the Republican party.

Don’t say his name.

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.