Where the Boys Are
A whole lot of women are about to mess with Texas. This new anti-abortion law has got women, young and old, really mad. Boy are they PISSED.
Nobody is asking, in the wake of the new anti-abortion law in Texas, who’s your daddy?
Go Daddy has kicked the Abortion Gestapo (prolifewhistleblower.com) off because they were bombarded with complaints and spam by the TikTok kids.
Lyft says it will cover drivers’ legal fees if they drive women to get abortions. They sent out an email to all of their customers and drivers letting them know that they’ve started a legal defense fund which will cover 100% of the driver’s legal fees if anybody tries to sue them.
Let’s start a data base where people can out their neighbors and co-workers if they’re not vaccinated.
Republicans have no problem with people turning other people in who have had or facilitated abortions but raise hell at the idea of having to prove they’re vaccinated to enter various businesses and venues. My body my choice only pertains to vaccines, not pregnancy.
Anti vaxxers in Texas whose babies die from Covid are the real baby killers.
An ovum is not a baby.
A sperm is not a baby.
A fertilized egg is not a baby.
Half of all fertilized eggs never make it to the uterus lining and never get implanted. They get flushed out with women’s periods. Will Republicans in Texas make another law that makes women save all of their menstrual blood so it can be tested to see if there was a baby in there and then charge her with murder?
Heart cells that beat in petri dishes are not babies.
A fetus that is not viable outside of the uterus is not a fully realized human being.
God, people are stupid. And Republican politicians are really shrewd. They don’t care about abortion. They care about keeping people stupid and breeding more stupid people.
To prevent the need for abortion all boys should be required by law to get vasectomies as soon as their wieners start working. Then when they’re ready to have kids, they’ll have to petition the government to get the procedure reversed. They’ll have to meet certain criteria to assess whether or not they’re the right color, religion and wage earner to create a government sanctioned child. What’s that? The government has no right to do anything to your body, boys?
If men could get pregnant none of this would be happening right now.
Nobody stands outside of health clinics with signs protesting men going in for vasectomies.
Not enough men confess to the economic freedom they have because someone they impregnated had an abortion.
New rule: No more insurance covered viagra for old white Republican men. If unwanted pregnancies are God’s will then so are wieners that don’t work any more.
Texas won’t let a 12 year old girl wear a mask to protect herself from covid in school but it will make her carry her stepfather’s baby to term after he rapes her.
A 12 year old girl can’t legally adopt a baby because the government says she’s not an adult and isn’t mature enough to be a mother but if she gets pregnant in Texas the government will force her to give birth and not do a thing to help her afterwards.
There are over 30,000 children in foster care in Texas and all of the Republicans who pushed their anti-abortion law through don’t give a shit about any of them. There will be a boom in birth rate in the next few years which means more kids will end up in foster care and they won’t give a shit about any of them either.
Hey Texas boys! Liberals will be high tailing it out of Texas now because of the anti-abortion, anything goes gun and voter discrimination laws, plus they don’t want to deal with covid or freeze to death in a few months when Texas loses power again. All the smart, talented, fun, attractive people will be gone and the only women left who you can have sex with will be superstitious, sexually repressed, dumb girls like your sister. Oh wait.
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