White Nationalist

Spike Dolomite
4 min readAug 30, 2020


Several hundred decorated MAGA trucks drove through the streets of Portland last night, looking for trouble and they got it. They started their parade in the suburbs and then drove into the city so they could taunt protesters who have been in the streets for 3 months by shooting them with paintball guns and spraying them with pepper spray from the beds of their trucks. Somebody got shot and killed with a real gun. He was wearing a hat with the insignia “Patriot Prayer” which is a far right group based out of Portland. It’s not known yet who shot him but it doesn’t matter. This is all the right wing militia groups need to give themselves permission to start shooting people in the streets like Kyle Rittenhouse did because now it’s personal. Now they’re defending “their own.” Trump has been highlighting Portland as the epicenter of Biden’s America ever since he sent his secret police in to kidnap people off of the streets. He’s jonesing to send the National Guard in now. This is great for his campaign. Law and order! Antifa! Radical left Democrats! Democrat run cities! Vote for me or there will be chaos in the streets AND the suburbs!

Will the MAGAs who shot people from their trucks be protected under the first amendment or the second amendment? Because we all know they’ll be protected. None of them were black and unarmed.

Expect more of this. Trump not only gets off on it, he needs the video footage for his campaign ads. He’s got to keep people fired up in a MAGA kind of way, which means literally fired up.

The Republicans’ strategy to win the election is to scare the shit out of everybody and blame it on Joe Biden who not only isn’t president, but he’s essentially unemployed…..just a guy running for office. They’re airing a video of chaos in the streets (protesters are anarchists and looters) called, “Biden’s America.” The campaign is so lazy and inept that they lifted video of fires in the street in Barcelona, Spain to use in the video. They’re also so stupid they never bought the domain, KeepAmericaGreat. The Biden campaign bought it.

Trump uses Twitter, the Proud Boys, Bugaloo, QAnon and MAGAs to incite violence and terrorize people in our streets. That makes him the leader of a terrorist organization but he’s free to do and say whatever he wants because he also happens to be the president of the United States.

Crime has gone down in America over the past 30 years. It went up under Trump. He’s telling his cult followers that it’s been going up because of Joe Biden and he needs them to bring it back down. He needs their help.

The sheriff of Kenosha, David G. Beth, has openly admitted that he has never seen the video of Jacob Blake being shot by his police officers. He’s not interested. He has wanted to rid the city of Black people for a long time.

Trump went to Lake Charles, Louisiana for a hurricane photo op and instead of throwing paper towels he signed autographs and told people, “Sell it tonight on eBay, get you ten thousand dollars.” When asked to, he wouldn’t condemn Kyle Rittenhouse for killing protesters. He won’t even say Jacob Blake’s name. He’s dangerous.

Twitler is a textbook sociopathic narcissist. Political scientists, sociologists, and psychologists will be studying him and how Americans could let this happen for years after that fucker is gone. People hate his guts but there he is. Even when they show him how much they hate him, straight to his face, he thinks people love him. Case in point — from the White House Press Pool report: “Many of the protesters along the avenue greeted the motorcade with raised middle fingers. There were far too many middle fingers to count. Several of the people in the crowd opted to raise both of their middle fingers in a double barreled one finger salute.”

The Director of National Intelligence informed Congress that it will no longer brief them on foreign efforts to interfere in the upcoming election. Election fraud and treason in broad daylight.

One of Trump’s judges voided 50,000 absentee ballot requests in an Iowa county.

The shooter at Kenosha was a white nationalist. The shooter at Parkland was a white nationalist. The shooter in El Paso was a white nationalist. The shooter of the Charleston church was a white nationalist. The President is a white nationalist. The Republican Party are white nationalists.

The Republicans’ favorite amendment, the 2nd amendment, didn’t protect protesters from a white nationalist setting out to murder them. The cops didn’t either.

65 days until we get to vote.

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.