Game of Sticks
There was a full scale invasion of Ukraine last night. Over 40 cities, towns, villages, military installations and airports across the country were hit in a couple of hours. Massive explosions happened in multiple major cities including Kyiv (the largest city with 3 million people,) Kharkiv (the second largest city with 1.4 million people,) Odessa (the third largest city and home to the largest sea port in the Black Sea,) and Kramatorsk and Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine. Russian troops are piling in by land and sea.
Putin officially announced the invasion while the UN was holding an emergency Security Council meeting to try and avoid war. The representative from Russia chaired the meeting and adjourned right after the representative from Ukraine called Russian leaders war criminals who will go straight to hell. Take this war and stick it.
Putin insists that he is doing this to keep the peace and that Russia is not the enemy. He claims to have destroyed 70 military targets. At least 40 people are dead and 19 are missing. No one can fly in or out of the country. Airports are either closed or have been destroyed. The president declared martial law for the entire country. Cell service is out. Banks and utilities cyber capabilities have been debilitated. The capital, Kyiv is under a state of emergency. The president is asking people to stay put, be calm, and stick together but people are freaking out. Do they stay and get trapped or do they run and face danger on the road?
Everything is going on just as President Biden said it would. He will make a speech sometime today. He’s going to talk to America and the world.
Putin says if anybody dares to interfere with what he is doing there will be consequences like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Sticks and stones can hurt my bones but NATO better not hurt me.
While Ukraine was under attack, Trump called in to Fox to rant about the Russian hoax. He bragged about his great relationship with Putin and blamed the attack on the “rigged election.” Laura Ingraham had to correct him after he said that US troops had arrived in Ukraine. She blamed Joe Biden for the attack.
After Tucker Carlson defended Putin on his show, Russian state TV played it in Russia with Russian subtitles. Who has the control stick? Putin or Tucker?
“Having watched Putin bomb Russian apartment buildings to justify the Chechen war, murder Boris Nemtsov, poison Alexei Navalny, and now to invade Ukraine, it’s unbelievably offensive to see Tucker Carlson trying to convince Americans that Putin’s a good guy” — Bill Browder
Republicans and Fox use the exact same, stick to it language that Putin uses when talking about Ukraine.
Republicans are holding Mitt Romney up for being right about Russia being our biggest threat when he ran against Obama while at the same time siding with Putin. This isn’t confusing to their voters because they gave up on thinking a long time ago. They just vote for people they like and they like the white guys because they speak their language and carry big sticks.
Meanwhile at home, the two top prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s inquiry into Trump have resigned because the new DA says he has doubts about the case. They’re prosecuting the Trump Organization and its CFO but haven’t questioned any witnesses in front of the grand jury and it’s been over a month. The two prosecutors who resigned know way more about this case than the new guy so why the stick?
Trump is going to be in his element, humiliating the prosecutors even though his lawyers will tell him not to. Witch hunt! Liberal DA! They don’t like me! Stick with me, kid. I’ll make you a star!
Governor Greg Abbott has officially directed Family and Protective Services, a government agency, to begin investigating all trans children in Texas and then go after their parents for child abuse. He has also instructed all teachers, doctors, and caregivers to begin reporting any trans students they know of. That SOB is attacking the most vulnerable people in his state for political gain which makes him a special kind of evil. Most trans kids get kicked out by their parents, end up on the street, and commit suicide. If they’re lucky enough to have supportive parents, this Republican governor is going to take them away from them and force them into a family-less situation which will surely amount to more suffering and neglect. That’s child abuse. Kids are going to get killed because of this. That wheelchair taught him nothing. He still walks with a rich white dick and gets to beat people with it without consequence.
“Speak softly and carry a big stick” — President Theodore Roosevelt on foreign policy diplomacy
“Speak loudly and roll with a big white dick” — Governor Greg Abbot on his own policy
Does Abbott think that if he puts parents of trans kids in jail that trans people will disappear like he thinks putting women in jail for having abortions will eliminate abortions?
Who would want to live in Texas? Republicans there hate women and children, LGBTQs, liberals, education, the environment, even dogs. They only seem to care about money, guns, and big white dicks.
Stick ’em up!
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