Smarten Up
Since Ron DeSantis is banning books in Florida public schools, a guy decided to petition Florida schools to ban the Bible for kids because it’s not age-appropriate. The Bible has rape and murder in it. “Do we really want to teach our youth about drunken orgies?”
100 school districts in Texas have received complaints about books in schools by parents. Over 75 formal requests have been made. They are demanding that books be banned— almost all of them have something to do with racism or sexuality. A parent in Katy, Texas asked the district to remove a children’s biography of Michelle Obama because she felt that it promoted “reverse racism” against white people. At a district near Austin, another parent proposed replacing four books on racism with copies of the Bible.
Texas has been pulling books from public library shelves and firing librarians who won’t cooperate with state sanctioned censorship. Now smart people in one county are suing.
How many of the parents freaking out over books have actually read any of the books on the banned books list? You have to be pretty dumb to not have read any of the books on the banned book list. Even dumber if the only book you read is the Bible.
Trump called Bill Barr’s book “crummy.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken the Pope on now. She has denounced the Catholic Church. She says it’s being run by Satan. Marjorie is the dumbest of the dumb. She says the only book you need to read is the Bible but she hasn’t even done that.
Republicans are freaking out over Biden forgiving student loan debt. Is that because they like debt or they want to discourage smart people from going into debt in order to be educated? Or is it because they need debt? Without debt what will Mitt Romney buy to make more millions? Debt forgiveness should be for the banks, auto industry and foreign military aid ONLY.
One reason why Americans could be getting dumber is because for decades mediocre white men have been getting into colleges and coming out with degrees that they didn’t really earn and aren’t worthy of. They weren’t very smart to begin with and now because of their degrees they end up with big important jobs that are there to impact the quality of life for all Americans but they really suck at it. They don’t get fired because they’re white men so then the quality of life for all Americans degenerates.
So many white men in Congress went to Harvard. How did they get in to Harvard and then how did they get out? And where is their college debt?
Trumplican candidate JD Vance posted a picture of the crowd at one of his campaign events and bragged about the level of enthusiasm and energy in the room. People looked pretty bored. Most of them were on their phones. Two of them were teenagers. One guy on Twitter wrote, “The two young dudes probably got caught smoking pot and their parents forced them to put on MAGA gear and attend as a ‘lesson.’”
The Select Committee will hold 8 hearings for the public starting June 9. Time for an intervention for Fox News viewers. Concerned family members need to trick their brainwashed loved ones that they’ve about had it with into coming over to their house for beer and pie and then lock all the doors and make them sit through the hearings. Give them plenty of beer and pie for a month but don’t let them watch Fox News. The only thing they can watch is Seinfeld reruns and the Select Committee hearings.
Congressboy Madison Cawthorn is in the news again. This time for providing free housing, travel and gifts to one of his staff members, his scheduler who happens to be a boy. Photos and texts of the two lovebirds have been made public as well as a video of the staffer grabbing Madison’s crotch in the car. The Republicans have to be behind this. They really want to get rid of him. Everything else the guy has done has been fine with the GOP but admitting to Republican cocaine orgies and stiffies with staffers? Now he’s gone too far.
Trump asked Kid Rock’s advice about what he should do about North Korea while they were on the golf course. That’s how stupid America has become.
We need to do better than forgive college debt to free the great young minds who we must trust to get us out of the mess we’re in. We need to make public college tuition free for everybody so debt isn’t an issue. It’s an INVESTMENT. Free college is smart because that’s the only way America can get any smarter. Mediocre white men can still go to Harvard but they’ll have more competition when they get out.
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