The Lists

Spike Dolomite
4 min readMar 16, 2022


White House and Proud Boys to do lists match

Russia retaliated on the US sanctioning them by banning US politicians from going to Russia, Republicans are an exception. Seriously. There weren’t any Republicans on the blacklist.

President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were on The List.

Trump released a statement praising Putin for sanctioning Biden. He accused Biden of taking $3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow. Wut? Did Trump take $3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow? He lives by the ago old Nazi trick, “Accuse others of what you are doing” so he had to have checked her off his Russian pussy hitlist.

Trump is on the dictator wait list.

Hillary Clinton is on Putin’s blacklist. She took it as a compliment. She said, “I want to thank the Russian Academy for this Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Hannity had a good old time ranting about Russia sanctioning Hillary Clinton on his show. That gave him an opening to go over Fox News’ Hillary greatest hits hit list — uranium and dossiers, her family’s questionable relationship with Russia, making Ukraine all about her even though his rant was all about her.

Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Trump and all of the Republicans should go to Moscow on July 4 this year and STAY THERE. America needs to make a list of its own.

Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski was killed in Ukraine along with Ukrainian producer working for Fox, Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova. Fox correspondent Benjamin Hall was injured but is safe and out of Ukraine. How will Tucker Carlson explain this? How could their guys be killed by the “good guys?”

The Ukrainian parliament held an in person emergency session. More than 350 out of the 425 members were present. Meanwhile, this morning President Zelensky will address the US congress. Will the Republicans who voted against sending support to Ukraine, who voted not to acquit Trump for extorting Zelensky and who praise Putin have the nerve to show up? Why have they not been blacklisted yet?

US Republican Congressboy Madison Cawthorn vacationed at Hitler’s vacation home. It was on his bucket list. He said that.

Australia says it will sanction China if it supplies arms to Russia.

The Russians have been killing and bombing Ukrainians for 3 weeks now, creating 3 million refugees. UNICEF says the war is creating one child refugee per second. 100 children have been killed.

The pregnant mother who was carried out of a bombed maternity hospital on a stretcher has died along with her baby.

Poland has welcomed over one third of the refugees with open arms because they know what it’s like. They’ve been invaded several times by Russia and Germany and have had to flee themselves. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the guest list — come on in!

Sarah Bloom Raskin, a highly qualified nominee for the Federal Reserve’s top bank cop, with experience as a federal governor, deputy treasury secretary and Maryland banking commissioner didn’t get the job because she’s on the Republicans’ shit list. They’re punishing her for being married to Jamie Raskin who is a way better person, civil servant, and patriot than any of them. She withdrew her nomination because the Republicans are dicks.

The name of the nine page document with the 5 part plan to storm and occupy six government buildings (including the Capitol and Supreme Court) is called “1776 Returns.” Nobody knows yet who authored and distributed it. The plan was to have 50 people take over each building. They were supposed to act natural and not draw any attention to themselves which is hilarious because they can’t do that. Once all of the buildings had been taken, fire alarms at nearby hotels and museums were to be pulled to divert law enforcement away from them. Did Lauren Boebert know about the “1776 Returns” checklist before January 6? She tweeted about 1776 while the attack was happening.

The DOJ is making legal connections between the Proud Boys and Trump. On December 19 he invited everybody to come to DC in a tweet (“It will be wild”) which shows that he mobilized the Proud Boys and others. Before that, on September 29, 2020 he made his infamous statement, calling on the Proud Boys, et al to “stand back and stand by.” This was a literal recruitment call. On January 6 he activated them by directing them to go to the Capitol to “stop the steal.”

The FBI is still has 350 dickheads on their insurrectionist list. Anybody who knows anybody on this list should turn them in!

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Spike Dolomite

Daily Crime Report - recounts of Trump and the Republicans’ daily disasters, with puns. Read them all in quarterly reports in The Treason Chronicles on Kindle.